英国新闻听力 美国逮捕300多名墨西哥毒品团伙成员(在线收听

The US government says it’s arrested more than 300 members of a powerful Mexican drug gang in a major operation across the country. The Attorney General Eric Holder said the arrest took place in 19 states and dealt a significant blow to the group’s supply chain of drugs, weapons and cash into the United States.

In the last 2 days alone, we have seized 3.4 million dollars in US currency and nearly 730 pounds of methamphetamine as well as other narcotics. We’ve also seized close to 400 weapons.

He said the gang known as the Michoacan family had shown an incredible level of sophistication and ruthlessness.

President Obama has welcomed plans by the US Treasury to cut the salaries of top executives at companies that the government bailed out last year. Twenty-five top managers are expected to have their salaries cut by 90% at companies including General Motors and Citi Group. The Federal Reserve has proposed measures discouraging excessive risk as Richard Lister reports from Washington

President Obama said it offended American values when the top executives of firms being kept afloat by taxpayers awarded themselves huge bonuses. AIG, the company which helped trigger the financial meltdown, is this year preparing to pay its trading division executives almost 200 million dollars in bonuses, despite having to rely on 180 billion dollars of bailout money. The Fed says it will review pay structures at 6000 US financial institutions and veto those which appear to encourage the kind of risk-taking which brought the financial sector to the brink of collapse.

The world's biggest mobile phone maker, Nokia, is suing its American rival Apple for patent infringement. The legal action covers 10 patents which it says Apple has breached with its massively popular Iphone. Duncan Butter reports.

The Apple Iphone has been a huge success, selling over 34 million units since it was launched 2 years ago. Most users prize it for its innovative technology. But now Nokia is claiming that much of that technology was devised by its research scientists and wants Apple to compensate it financially, hence the lawsuit filed in the United States. Nokia says patents relating to wireless data, speech coding, security and encryption have all been infringed. So far there’s been no response from Apple and it’s not clear how much money Nokia is seeking in compensation

Hundreds of people have demonstrated outside the BBC’s television studios in London to protest against the appearance on a political debate program of the leader of the far-right British National Party Nick Griffin. At one stage, protestors forced their way inside the BBC building and police said they had made 6 arrests. On the program which is due for broadcast shortly, the BNP leader defended his party’s far-right views but his opinions were repeatedly challenged.

For the first time the Sri Lankan government has begun resettling displaced people to areas formerly controlled by the defeated Tamil Tiger rebels. More than 5,500 people left the Vavuniya camp on Thursday for resettlement in former rebel strongholds in Northern Sri Lanka. They are part of a larger group of about 40,000. The government says it aims to complete the process in the next few days. More than a quarter of a million civilians are housed in military-run camps.

The former military ruler of Uruguay, Gregorio Alvarez, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison on human rights charges. He was found guilty of 37 homicides during his time as head of the armed forces in 1970s and then as president between 1981 and 1985. The former general was arrested in 2007 on charges of ordering the death of political prisoners.

Scientists say they’ve found a significant flaw in the counting of carbon dioxide emissions which could encourage massive deforestation. Professor, Timothy Searchinger, from Princeton University said if the loophole is not closed, more forests could be cleared in the mistaken belief that bioenergy always helps to reduce emissions.

"Even if we create biofuels or use virtual electricity in a way that's both burning down the world’s forests, we count that as a 100% carbon reduction, rather than what it really is, which is a source of emissions of carbon dioxide. As utilities and oil companies, factories have to reduce their greenhouse gas emission, it gives them a perverse incentive to clear the world’s forests for bioenergy."

The 23-year-old son of the French president Nicolas Sarkozy has said he will give up his attempt to become the head of the body overseeing La Defense, a major business district of Paris. The nomination of Jean Sarkozy had been strongly criticized as nepotistic.

美国政府称在一次全国范围的重大行动中逮捕了300多名墨西哥大型毒品团伙成员。美国总检察长霍尔德(Eric Holder)表示,这次行动在全国19个州进行,对该犯罪团伙向美国境内的毒品,武器和现金供应链造成了沉重的打击。



财政部计划削减去年接受政府救助的公司高管薪资,奥巴马总统对该计划表示欢迎。预计,包括通用汽车和花旗集团在内的公司25名高管的薪资将被削减90%。美联储提议采取措施,避免公司进行过多风险举动。Richard Lister在伦敦报道。


世界最大的手机制造商诺基亚起诉其美国竞争对手Apple侵犯其专利。该司法行动涉及10项专利,称Apple最受欢迎的Iphone违反相关规定。Duncan Butter报道。

Apple Iphone自两年前发行以来取得了巨大的成功,获得了3400万台的销量。大部分用户都称赞其创新型的技术。但是,现在诺基亚声称,Apple Iphone的大部分技术都由诺基亚的研究人员设计,希望Apple在经济方面进行赔偿,因此将诉讼材料递交至美国。诺基亚称,Apple侵犯了无线数据,语言编码,安全和加密技术等专利。目前为止,Apple没有做出任何回应,至于诺基亚要求多少数额的赔偿也还不清楚。

伦敦数百人在BBC电视台外举行抗议活动,抗议极右翼英国国家党领袖Nick Griffin在一个政治辩论节目中露面。抗议者曾经长驱直入BBC大楼内,警方称,他们已经逮捕了6人。该节目稍后即将播出,在节目中,英国国家党领袖极力捍卫其极右翼观点,但是,他的观点一再遭遇人们的挑战。


乌拉圭前军事独裁者阿尔瓦雷兹(Gregorio Alvarez)因侵犯人权被判处25年监禁。在70年代担任军队领袖,以及1981年至1985年间担任总统期间,他共犯有37宗谋杀罪。这位前将军在2007年因下令处死政治犯而被捕。

科学家称,他们发现了计算二氧化碳排放量的一个重大缺陷,这会鼓励大规模的砍伐森林。来自普林斯顿大学的Timothy Searchinger教授表示,如果loophole不立即关闭,更多的人会认为生物能可以帮助降低二氧化碳排放,被这种想法误导会导致更多森林被砍伐。



法国总统萨科齐23岁的儿子表示,他将放弃试图成为法国巴黎主要商业区La Defense监管机构的负责人。让·萨科齐的提名受到公众强烈批评,被认为是裙带关系。
