密歇根新闻广播 沙特的现代艺术展打破了陈词滥调(在线收听


The Arab American National Museum in Dearborn is opening the first-ever show of contemporary art from Saudi Arabia in the Midwest. The Epicenter X: Saudi Contemporary Art exhibit features installations in various mediums from approximately 40 Saudi artists.

Devon Akmon, director of the Arab American National Museum, hopes the show will break down some of the stereotypes Americans might have about Saudi Arabia.

Last year, the Saudi government released a new vision for their country, called the "2030 plan."

“This exhibit, through the lens of artists, is really taking a critical examination of that,” Akmon said. “And for many in the U.S., they’re unaware of not just the topics that are being explored but the fact that there even is a contemporary art scene in Saudi Arabia.”
