密歇根新闻广播 密歇根最大的瀑布是什么(在线收听


Jim Curtis lives in Ahmeek, a village in Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula. That's right near the Douglass Houghton Falls.

Curtis said he's always wondered how the height of those falls compares to other waterfalls in Michigan. So he submitted this question to our MI Curious project:


"What is the tallest waterfall in Michigan, and how is that figured out?"

To answer that question, John Pepin from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources joined Stateside today.

At 110 feet, Pepin said the Douglass Houghton Falls are, in fact, the tallest in Michigan.

That said, listen above to hear why this MI Curious question is subjective in some ways. You'll hear which other waterfalls in Michigan compete with the Douglass Houghton Falls for the "tallest waterfall" title. You'll also learn why the Douglass Houghton Falls aren't available for visits from the public just yet.
