密歇根新闻广播 10岁小孩出版四本书激励同伴(在线收听


It’s never too early to begin following your passion.

That’s true for ten-year-old Oummu Kabba of Kentwood, one of Michigan’s youngest published authors. Schuler Books of Grand Rapids has published four of her books already.

Those books include" Charlie the Talking Dog, Battle for my Brother, The New Girl, and The Chicken Man.

Oummu and her father Brima Kabba joined Stateside today to explain how she started writing; where the ideas for her books originate; and what she hopes readers will glean from her work.

“It makes me feel proud that I am one of the youngest people to do this,” Oummu said. “And it makes me feel like I’m going to help other kids do what they want to do in the future.”

Listen above to the full conversation, and hear dad Brima explain what motivated him to help his daughter publish her stories.

“When I was young, I didn’t get the opportunity to go to school or to do anything similar to what my kids are doing,” he said.

“And I can say I am blessed to be here in America, because this is the only place you can find opportunity, and all goodness is here in this country. So when I came here with my kids, I had a goal for them to be successful.”
