新奇事件簿 昆虫也能感受到疼痛(在线收听

New research shows that insects feel pain. The researchers say it isn't the same kind of pain that humans feel. The pain that insects feel is a sensation that is like pain. The research was conducted at the University of Sydney in Australia. Professor Greg Neely, co-author of the research report, said: "People don't really think of insects as feeling any kind of pain, but it's already been shown in lots of different invertebrate animals that they can sense and avoid dangerous things that we think of as painful." He added: "We knew that insects could sense 'pain' but what we didn't know is that an injury could lead to long-lasting hyper-sensitivity...in a similar way to human patients' experiences."

新研究表明昆虫能感觉到疼痛。研究人员表示这种疼痛和人类感受到的疼痛不同。昆虫感受到的是一种类似于疼痛的感觉。该研究由澳大利亚悉尼大学进行。该研究报告的联合作者Greg Neely教授表示:“人们并不认为昆虫能感受到任何痛,但事实已经证明很多不同的无脊椎动物可以感受到痛并且还能避免人类认为痛苦的危险事物。”他还说道:“我们知道昆虫可以感受到痛,但我们并不知道受伤是否会造成持久的超敏性,就类似于人类病人所经历的那样。”

The researchers looked at how fruit flies reacted to injuries. The scientists damaged one leg on the flies and allowed the leg to heal. They found that after the leg fully healed, the flies became more sensitive and tried harder to protect their legs. Professor Neely said the pain the flies felt stayed in their memory and this changed their behaviour. He said: "After the insect is hurt once badly, they are hypersensitive and try to protect themselves for the rest of their lives." Neely says he hopes to carry out more research to better understand how humans feel pain. He said: "We are focused on making new stem cell therapies or drugs that target the underlying cause and stop pain for good."

