澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳昆士兰州中部野火肆虐 俄罗斯向乌克兰军舰开火(在线收听

The top stories on ABC News.


Victorian Liberals are warning the party's shocking defeat in the state election shows it's losing mainstream voters. The Prime Minister Scott Morrison held crisis talks with senior colleagues this morning to digest the scale of the party's loss in the weekend election. Senate President Scott Ryan told Radio National he believes the result shows voters a?re tired of ideological debates from the right.


Fire-fighters in Queensland are counting on a change in the wind as they battle a large bushfire burning on several fronts. The fire has already destroyed two homes and burnt about 11-thousand hectares at Deepwater, north of Bundaberg. Homes at nearby Agnes Water are also under threat. Fire officials have warned their focus may need to shift to protecting communities rather than property.


Russia has fired on three Ukrainian ships off the Crimean Peninsula, wounding several sailors in a move which risks reigniting the crisis between the two countries. Russia accused the ships of illegally entering territorial waters, but Ukraine says it did nothing wrong and is considering imposing martial law.


And faulty medical products are being linked to 170 deaths and 8,000 serious injuries in Australia. A joint investigation between the ABC and the international consortium of investigative journalists has uncovered serious flaws in the regulation of medical devices in Australia and overseas.

