密歇根新闻广播 本周全州范围内的冰袭有所增加(在线收听


This week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested ten workers at a farm labor camp near Hart, Michigan. The undocumented immigrants were harvesting crops at a farm.

"The nine men have been taken to a detention facility in Youngstown, OH, which is about 480 miles from where they were picked up," said Susan Reed, managing attorney with the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center. "The one woman we believe was taken to the Calhoun County jail."

The arrest is part of a larger immigration crackdown by the Trump administration. As a candidate, Trump promised to cut off illegal immigration during the 2016 campaign.

ICE raids could interrupt the state's agricultural industry.

"It's estimated that about half of Michigan's agricultural workforce is undocumented," Reed said.

This past week was a notably busy time for Reed's team of immigration lawyers.

"Our phones have absolutely blown up this week," she said.

Listen above for the entire conversation with Susan Reed, managing attorney with the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center.
