澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚前外长毕晓普宣布将退出政坛 孟加拉国火灾致70人丧生(在线收听

The top stories on ABC News this afternoon.


After 21 years former foreign minister Julie Bishop has announced she will retire from federal politics. Ms Bishop served as the deputy Liberal leader for 11 years and was Australia's first female foreign minister. The member for Curtin has been on the backbench since the leadership spill last year.


Around 70 people have died after a fire broke out in Bangladesh. The fire broke out in Dhaka overnight in a multi-storey residential building and quickly spread to nearby homes. The building's ground floor had reportedly stored flammable chemicals. The blaze is now under control.


Senior Catholic leaders are gathering at the Vatican for a four-day summit on the global child sexual abuse crisis. The unprecedented meeting is due to get underway in the next few hours. It will address the prevention of child sexual abuse and the abuse of power which many say is perpetuated by the Catholic Church.


And a cyclone watch has been issued for a large stretch of the east coast from Bundaberg in Queensland to Ballina in New South Wales. Tropical cyclone Oma is just under 900 kilometres north-east of Brisbane and is moving towards the coast. The category-two system is no longer expected to make landfall.

