澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) Childish Gambino横扫格莱美奖但未出席(在线收听

The top stories on ABC News.


An emergency warning has been issued for a fire burning three kilometres north of Dargo in eastern Victoria. It is travelling in a south-easterly direction towards the town and is causing spot fires in dry grassland on private properties. It's switched the focus of emergency services away from the south-east where the Budgeree and Bunyip fires have been downgraded to a Watch and Act.

维多利亚州东部达戈地区以北3公里处发生一起火灾,目前已发布紧急警告。这起大火正在向东南方向的城镇移动,已在私人住宅的干燥草地上引发飞火。这场大火使应急服务部门的注意力从东南部地区转移,该地的 Budgeree和Bunyip大火已降级为“观察和行动”级别。

Australia and Indonesia will today sign a long-awaited free trade agreement — eight years in the making. The deal is expected to benefit Australian goods including live cattle, grains dairy and steel. All of Indonesia's exports will enter Australia without tariffs or tax and investors here will have access to the Indonesian university sector.


A New Zealander who served with the Islamic State group has been captured in northern Syria and is being held in a Kurdish prison. Mark Taylor — who lived in Australia for 25 years — told the ABC he surrendered to Kurdish forces because conditions had become unbearable. The former soldier was declared a global terrorist by the United States in 2015 after encouraging attacks in Australia and New Zealand and appearing in IS propaganda.


And Elon Musk's Space-X company has successfully docked its new trial astronaut taxi service capsule with the International Space Station. The Dragon capsule carrying 180 kilograms of supplies, test equipment as well as a life-size test dummy will stay with the ISS for five days. It's the latest in a series of tests the space-craft must pass in order to get approval from NASA to transport people.

