
(Question:)Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jesse Ventura and even, in a sense, President Trump all made the transition from entertainer to politician.


But not so many women.Why?


(Answer:)It’s much, much harder for a woman to go into politics.


There are so many roadblocks.


I remember speaking to a conservative MP, and she said she’d get questions like, Well, who will look after the children if you’re campaigning?


(Question:)A record number of women are running for election in the U.S. this year. What’s your advice?


(Answer:)You have to acknowledge it’s going to be hard.


You’re asking people to give you something which, in my opinion, is their most precious possession: their vote.


Voters have every right to question you on the level that goes beyond the usual social exchange.


You have to be ready for that.


(Question:)Is there something you mourn about growing older?


(Answer:)It irritates me that I can’t cut my own toenails.


(Question:)What do you think you’ve gained in return?


(Answer:)I have realized how much I don’t know. That’s a real revelation.


This idea that age blesses you with some kind of knowledge is rubbish.


(Question:)Your mother was a cleaner and your father a bricklayer.


What did you try to give to your son from your upbringing?


(Answer:)He went to a local school, he never came near a theater or a film set, he was never photographed.


He said to me once, “Are you famous?”


I said to him, “Well, possibly.”


He said, “What are you famous for?”


I thought then we’d done pretty well.


(Final question)Who have the bigger egos, actors or politicians?


(Answer:)The egos that I saw in Parliament wouldn’t have been tolerated for 30 seconds in the theater.

