英国新闻听力 印度总理辛格访问美国(在线收听

President Obama has underlined his country’s strong ties with India. Speaking after talks in Washington with the visiting Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Mr. Obama said the two leaders had agreed to strengthen cooperation on a range of issues. Paul Adams reports from Washington.

Barack Obama describes India as indispensable. Speaking after a morning of talks, the president said the US-India partnership will be one of the defining relationships of the 21st century. He described Mr. Singh as a wise leader and said they had talk about cooperation on trade, climate change, terrorism and nuclear nonproliferation. For his part, Mr. Singh said he was very satisfied with the outcome of their discussions on security. President Obama was asked not for the first time when he would announce the conclusions of his lengthy review of strategy in Afghanistan. He said this would come shortly.

More than six years after the invasion of Iraq, a long-awaited inquiry into Britain’s role in the war has opened in London. On its first day, it heard from senior civil servants and a former intelligence chief. The former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is also being called as a witness. Naomi Grimley reports.

The first day of this inquiry looked at how British and American attitudes towards Iraq began to shift in early 2001. Former officials told how they are being growing frustration in London that the old policy of containing Saddam Hussein wasn’t working. But the inquiry heard that British diplomats were still reluctant to embrace a policy of regime change despite what one witness called the drumbeats from Washington. Earlier the inquiry’s Chairman Sir John Chilcot said his final report wouldn’t shy away from making criticisms of individuals, if they were warranted.

Pirates have attacked an oil tanker near the West African state of Benin. It was sailing from Nigeria’s Niger Delta region when it was attacked. A crew member was killed and the contents of the ship's safe were stolen. This report from Casper Leighton.

The pirates who are believed to be from Nigeria, boarded the ship in darkness after coming along side in a speed boat. It’s not clear how the crew member lost his life but it seems there was an attempt to confront the armed pirates as one of them was captured by the ship’s crew and handed to local authorities. Medics on the German owned tanker said four other crew members were injured in the attack. There is increasing concern about rising piracy off the coast of West Africa as the region grows in importance as an oil producer.

A Sudanese woman convicted of breaching the country’s decency laws by wearing trousers has defied a travel ban by going to France to publicize her new book. Lubna Hussein, a journalist who used to work for the UN, faced 40 lashes for wearing trousers in public. But in September, a Sudanese court ordered her to pay a fine instead. Refusing to pay the fine, she chose to serve a day's imprisonment.

About 150 prominent Arabic writers and academics have signed an online petition appealing for an end to a growing row between Algeria and Egypt over two football matches. Madeline Morris reports.

The appeal calls for reason and conscience to rise above what it calls pettiness and nonsense. The signatories blamed the media for fanning the flames of nationalism and criticized the Algerian and the Egyptian elite for failing to show leadership over the issue. It says those behind the violence in the World Cup qualifier last week which Algeria won represented only themselves and not their teams. In the ensuing row which has seen further violence, Cairo has recalled its ambassador to Algeria’s, and the Egyptian president’s son has accused Algerian football supporters of being terrorists.

A court in Poland has begun hearing a libel case against President Lech Kaczynski, brought by the former President Lech Walesa. The action related to a television interview last year in which Mr. Kaczynski said Mr. Walesa was a communist era spy. Mr. Walesa said the solidarity movement against communist rule in Poland and denies the claim. He’s demanding an apology and 36,000 dollars in damages.

A human rights group in the Czech Republic has said an expression of regret by the government on Monday for the illegal sterilization of Roma women does not go far enough. Coercive sterilization was allegedly used to curb the traditionally high fatality rate among the Roma prior to the collapse of communism in 1989. However, human rights groups say the last recorded case occurred as late as 2008.

Members of the Shining Path guerrilla movement in Peru say they intend to form a political party to stand in general elections in 2011. The movement called off its armed insurrection 17 years ago after tens of thousands of people were killed in a civil war. The two factions of the group have continued to kill soldiers and police in remote areas where drug traffickers are active.

奥巴马总统强调了美国与印度之间的密切联系。印度总理辛格访问美国,双方在华盛顿进行会谈之后,奥巴马表示,两国元首同意在一系列问题方面加强合作。Paul Adams在华盛顿报道。


入侵伊拉克六年多以来,关于英国在战争中的作用的期待已久的调查听证在伦敦开始。在调查听证的第一天,调查委员会听取了高级公务员和前情报官员的证词。前英国首相布莱尔也作为目击证人被传召。Naomi Grimley报道。



海盗在西非国家贝宁附近袭击一艘油轮。遇袭时,这艘油轮正从尼日利亚尼日尔三角洲地区驶出。一名船员被杀害,船上货物被盗。Casper Leighton报道。


因在公共场合着裤装而被控有伤风化的苏丹女子不顾旅行限制,前往法国公布其新书。Lubna Hussein是一名记者,一直为联合国工作,由于在公共场合穿长裤而面临40下鞭笞。但是在9月份,苏丹法庭下令其交罚金代替鞭笞。Lubna Hussein拒绝缴纳罚款,而是选择监禁。

大约150名阿拉伯作家和学术人员签署网上请愿书,要求阿尔及利亚和埃及停止因双方足球比赛而产生的吵闹。Madeline Morris报道。




