英国新闻听力 印度面临减排压力(在线收听

Within the next few hours, President Obama is due to announce his new strategy for the war in Afghanistan including a date for the beginning of the withdrawal of US troops. Officials say that his long-awaited address will include a plan to start pulling out American forces. Paul Adams reports.

Senior administration officials say the president will announce the deployment of 30,000 additional American troops in what they are calling a surge for a defined period of time. The aim, to reverse Taliban gains and give Afghan security forces time and space to develop their own capability. The significant proportion of the new troops will be committed entirely to training. Officials say the transfer of security responsibility to the Afghans will start in July, 2011, allowing US forces to start leaving. But the president will not say how long this process will take. The pace will, officials say, be determined by conditions on the ground.

International observers have warned of serious problems in preparations for Sudan’s first national election since 1986. The Carter Center, which monitors polls around the world, said millions of potential voters could be disenfranchised because of failings in the registration process. James Copnall has more details.

The non-governmental organization says in many states less than half of eligible voters are likely to register even though the registration period has been extended by a week. Registration rates are particularly low in semi-autonomous southern Sudan and in Darfur, both areas which have traditionally opposed the central government. A low intensity civil war continues in Darfur and several rebel groups have urged people not to register.

Celebrations have been taking place in Portugal to mark the coming into force of the Lisbon Treaty, eight years after the task of reforming the European Union was begun. EU leaders gathered for a ceremony with fireworks, music and speeches close to where the document was signed. The treaty is intended to streamline decision-making and give the EU a stronger voice in world affairs.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry has urged the European Union not to recognize East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state. The ministry said the move would harm Europe’s role as a mediator in the Arab-Israeli conflict. It was responding to an Israeli newspaper report, saying it had obtained a draft EU document containing the proposal. The Palestinian Legislative Council member, Mustafa Barghouti, said he was encouraged by the plan, but wanted to see more pressure on Israel to stop building settlements.

"We think that a European resolution that confirms that East Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinian state would be very encouraging and very productive in pushing for real peace in this region. But we think that this would not be completed unless there is serious European pressure on Israel to immediately stop and freeze all the settlement activities especially in East Jerusalem."

The head of the United Nations panel of climate experts, Rajendra Pachauri, says India is under enormous pressure to offer a plan to reduce its emissions of carbon dioxide following recent commitments by the United States and China to do so. Speaking in Delhi, Mr. Pachauri said India should use the climate change conference starting next week in Copenhagen to look at its long term future by shifting to renewable energy from its dependence on fossil fuels; however, he ruled out any emission cuts by India because they would harm its economic development.

A South African judge says he will decide on Friday whether a traditional ritual in which Zulu youths kill a bull with their bare hands can proceed. The Zulu traditionalists led by King Goodwill Zwelithini argue it’s part of their culture. But animal rights activists say it’s cruel. Our African editor Martin Plaut reports.

Judge Nic van der Reyden has the tricky task of deciding on this issue which cuts across competing South African traditions. Many Zulus, led by King Goodwill Zwelithini, argue it’s vital to their culture and the judge was sympathetic, suggesting the ritual be videoed, so the public could judge. But lawyers for the king turned this down. So on Friday, the judge will have to rule. It’s not the only subject worrying animal rights groups. They oppose plans to slaughter cattle in each stadium before the 2010 World Cup.

The world’s most famous golfer, Tiger Woods, is to be fined and receive a citation for careless driving following the mysterious car crash in which he was injured last week. But he will not face any criminal charges over the incident in which Mr. Woods drove his car into a fire hydrant and a tree close to his home. The police statement shed no further light on the events leading up to the crash, which sparked a frenzy of media speculation throughout the United States and beyond. Tiger Woods admitted on Sunday that the crash was his fault and said it had been embarrassing for his family.

在接下来的几个小时之内,奥巴马总统将宣布阿富汗战争新策略,包括美军开始从阿富汗撤军的日期。相关官员表示,等待已久的奥巴马的讲话将包括美军开始从阿富汗撤退的计划。Paul Adams报道。


国际观察员表示,苏丹自1986年以来的首次全国选举的准备工作面临严重问题。监督世界各地选举工作的卡特中心(The Carter Center)称,由于未进行注册过程,数百万潜在的投票者将被剥夺权利。James Copnall报道更多细节信息。



以色列外交部长敦促欧盟不要认可东耶路撒冷作为未来的巴勒斯坦国的首都。这位外交部长表示,此举会损害欧洲作为阿拉伯-以色列冲突调停人的作用。此前以色列报纸报道称已获得欧盟文件草案,其中包括该提议。巴勒斯坦立法委员会成员Mustafa Barghouti表示,他备受该计划鼓舞,但是希望给以色列施加更多压力,使其停止定居点的建设。


联合国气候变化专家小组负责人Rajendra Pachauri称,最近美国和中国相继承诺减少二氧化碳排放量,印度面临巨大压力。在德黑兰发表讲话时,Pachauri表示,印度将利用下周在哥本哈根开始的气候变化会议来审查自己的长期策略,从对石化燃料的依赖转向可再生能源。然而,他排除了印度减少排放量的可能性,因为这会损害印度的经济发展。

南非一名法官称,周五将决定祖鲁年轻人徒手打死公牛的传统规则是否可以继续。国王Goodwill Zwelithini为首的传统主义者辩称这是他们文化的一部分。但是动物权益保护者称该行为太残酷。我们的非洲编辑Martin Plaut报道。

Nic van der Reyden法官面临是否取消南非传统的艰巨任务。国王Goodwill Zwelithini领导的许多祖鲁人认为,这项活动对他们的文化来说至关重要。法官非常富有同情心,他建议将该活动录制下来,交由公众判断。但是国王的律师团拒绝这样做。所以,周五,法官必须做出裁决。不仅仅是这件事使动物保护主义者担忧。他们还反对在2010年世界杯之前在每一个体育场宰牛的计划。

