欧美文化博览 天才史蒂夫·乔布斯改变世界(5)(在线收听


When the Mac is released in early 1984, sales are underwhelming. Steve Jobs hits the wall, hard. And the Macintosh is a flop. And his stock within Apple is diminished, because he's focused on creating this new machine that has failed.

Eventually, things get better for the Mac, but they get a whole lot worse between Jobs and Scully. By early 1985, the two aren't even talking.

I got them together to try to resolve the issue. At that meeting, Steve got very emotional, and he started crying and I started to look at Scully sort of steel eyes that he saw weakness in Steve that he probably used against him. And I believe he went to the board and said this guy is unstable and so we need to take action here.



