欧美文化博览 天才史蒂夫·乔布斯改变世界(18)(在线收听


The thing you have to understand about Jobs is that he was the world's greatest control freak.


He pushes his team to the edge and beyond. Engineers come in and show him things and he'll say, "No. We can't do that." "It doesn't work." They'd say "Well, you know,, we haven't really problems making it do this." Don't come back until it works right.


The iPhone is infused with simplicity and beauty.


The hallmarks of Jobs' design philosophy.


It's the perfect marriage of form and function.


It's beautiful, it's gorgeous, and every time I look at it, every time I feel it, I touch it, it has enormous aesthetic reward. But then it is enormously practical.My kids can grab my iPhone and immediately know how to use it and my kids are 3 and 2.

