密歇根新闻广播 民主党高层要求康耶斯辞职(在线收听


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats are calling on Congressman John Conyers to resign over sexual harassment allegations. Pelosi called the accusations against Conyers "serious, disappointing and very credible." Conyers' attorney says the 88-year-old lawmaker might consider resigning if he can no longer effectively represent his constituents. This Week in Review, Weekend Edition host Rebecca Kruth and senior news analyst Jack Lessenberry talk about what Conyers' next move might be.

They also discuss the State's new Line 5 safety agreement with Enbridge Energy over Line 5, a battle in the Legislature over how the state oversees local retirement funds, and a beer that's meant to call attention to the toxic blooms fouling Lake Erie.

In full disclosure, Enbridge Energy is a financial supporter of Michigan Radio.
