英国新闻听力 俄总统要求严惩夜总会大火责任人(在线收听

President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia has called for the maximum punishment for those found liable for the fire in a nightclub in the city of Perm, where 109 people died. He called it a criminal act. More than 100 other people were injured in the blaze. Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports from Moscow.

President Dmitry Medvedev didn't mince his words in describing Friday night's nightclub disaster. He said those responsible had neither brains, nor conscience. It's now increasingly clear what happened inside the Lame Horse nightclub in the city of Perm. Fireworks were set off inside a room with a low and highly flammable ceiling. The ceiling caught fire and started to produce thick black smoke. Hundreds of revelers then tried to flee, but there was only one exit. In the ensuing panic, nearly half of them were overcome by fumes or trampled under foot.

The joint United Nations-African Union mission in the Sudanese region of Darfur says five of its peacekeepers have been killed in the past two days. Two peacekeepers were killed on Saturday in a camp for the displaced. James Copnall reports from Sudan.

Gunmen in civilian clothes opened fire on peacekeepers distributing water to internally displaced people. The attack took place 65km to the south of the regional capital El Fasher. The attackers stole a vehicle which they later abandoned according to UNAMID. On Friday three peacekeepers died in an ambush in the North Darfur settlement of Saraf Omra, about 200km to the west of El Fasher. The UNAMID spokesman said it was too early to tell if the two attacks were linked. Twenty-two peacekeepers have now been killed since the mission was set up nearly two years ago.

Ahead of the opening of next week's summit in Copenhagen, the joint chairman of the United Nations Panel on Climate Change have issued a robust defence of the science behind the current consensus on global warming. The chairman said they're confident because it's based on a transparent and unbiased assessment of the work of hundreds of scientists worldwide. Roger Harrabin reports.

Climate skeptics who’ve been saying that leaked e-mails from climate scientists proved that essential data have been altered to exaggerate the case for human influence on global warming. Today their claims were rejected by the UN's official panel on climate change. A statement from the joint chairs of the science working group of the panel avoids judgment on the content of the e-mails, which appear to show the research is trying to quieten the voice of rival scientists with a different point of view. These e-mails are subject to an inquiry.

Demonstrators calling for an effective agreement at next week's climate summit in Denmark have taken to the streets of several European cities. The largest protest was in London, where police estimated 20,000 joined this Stop Climate Chaos march.

The spokesman for the authorities in Guinea has said the country's military leader Captain Moussa Dadis Camara is out of danger after what he said would’ve been a successful operation in a Moroccan hospital. Captain Camara was shot on Thursday, and the military aide accused of that attack has spoken for the first time since the incident. Major Aboubacar Diakite, known as Toumba, said he was hiding in a safe place somewhere in Guinea and that he was in contact with other soldiers.

Police in Italy have confiscated art estimated to be worth more than 150 million dollars, which they believe was owned by the former head of a multi-national company Parmalat. Nineteen works of art including pieces by Van Gogh, Picasso, Cezanne and Modigliani were seized at homes of the relatives of Calisto Tanzi.

At the Chilean capital Santiago several thousand people have been accompanying the coffin of the Chilean singer Victor Jara, who has been re-buried 36 years after he was killed by troops in the aftermath of a military coup. From Santiago, Gideon Long reports.

Mr. Jara's widow, Joan, now a white hair woman in her 80s, led the funeral cortege as it wound through the streets of Santiago to the cemetery. The coffin was draped in the singer's trademark red-and-black woolen poncho. And well-wishers scattered red carnations over the hearse as it passed. Some brought guitars and many sang the songs that made Victor Jara a national icon. For much of this week Chileans have been filing past Mr. Jara's coffin to pay their last respects. Among them was Chile's President Michelle Bachelet, who was also persecuted by the Pinochet government and spent years in exile.

The Iranian Foreign Minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, has telephoned his Swiss counterpart to complain about the recent referendum vote in Switzerland to ban the building of new minarets on mosques. Mr. Mottaki told the Swiss minister, Micheline Calmy-Rey, that the vote had damaged the image of Switzerland in the eyes of Muslims. The Swiss ambassador in Tehran was summoned to the Iranian Foreign Ministry.

俄罗斯彼尔姆市(Perm)一家夜总会发生大火,造成109人死亡,总统梅德韦杰夫呼吁对相关责任人实行最高惩罚。他称,这是犯罪行为。另有100多人在大火中受伤。Rupert Wingfield-Hayes在莫斯科报道。

梅德韦杰夫总统在描述周五晚夜总会的灾难时毫不讳言。他说,相关责任人既没有头脑,也没有良知。“跛马Lame Horse”夜总会大火发生时的状况逐渐明晰。当时,夜总会室内燃放了烟花,而夜总会的天花板非常低,非常易燃。后来天花板着火,开始产生浓烟。数百名狂欢者企图逃离,但是只有一个出口。在随后发生的恐慌中,几乎一半的人被浓烟熏倒或者被踩踏。

苏丹达尔富尔地区联合国-非盟混合维和部队表示,在过去的两天,共有5名维和人员被杀害。其中两人周六在流离失所人员临时安置帐篷内被杀害。James Copnall在苏丹报道。

维和人员正在向内迁人口分配饮用水,身穿平民服装的持枪者向维和人员开火。袭击发生在距离该地区首府El Fasher 65千米处。据联合国非洲联盟特派团(UNAMID)所说,袭击者偷了一辆车,随后遗弃。周五,三名维和人员在达尔富尔北部Saraf Omra定居点遭遇伏兵遇难,位于El Fasher西部大约200千米处。UNAMID发言人称,现在断言两起袭击之间是否有关联还为时过早。自两年前该任务开始以来已有22名维和人员遇难。

在下周的哥本哈根峰会之前,联合国气候变化小组主席发表声明,强烈为目前关于全球变暖方面的共识的科学辩护。他说,他们对此有信心,因为这是基于全世界数百名科学家透明公正的评估工作的。Roger Harrabin报道。



几内亚官方发言人称,该国元首穆萨·达迪斯·卡马拉(Moussa Dadis Camara)上尉在摩洛哥医院手术成功,已经脱离危险。卡马拉在周四遭遇枪击。被控实施袭击的军事助手也在事件发生后首次发表讲话。陆军少校Aboubacar Diakite称他隐藏在几内亚一个安全的地方,而且和其他士兵有联系。

意大利警方没收了价值超过1.5亿元的艺术品。他们称,这些艺术品应该属于跨国公司Parmalat前总裁。这些艺术品共有19件,包括梵高,毕加索,塞尚和莫迪利亚尼的作品,都是在Calisto Tanzi的亲戚家中查获。

在智利首都圣地亚哥,数千人陪伴着智利歌手维克托·哈拉的棺柩。维克托·哈拉在36年前的军事政变后被军队杀害,这次重新下葬。圣地亚哥,Gideon Long报道。


伊朗外交部长Manouchehr Mottaki致电瑞士外交部长,投诉瑞士最近举行全民公投禁止建立清真寺尖塔的举动。Mottaki告诉瑞士外交部长Micheline Calmy-Rey,投票毁坏了瑞士在穆斯林眼中的形象。瑞士驻德黑兰大使也被传召到伊朗外交部。
