英国新闻听力 互联网上的不同语言(在线收听

Different Languages on the Internet

THE HOST: First though, Harvard University in the United States recently saw a few hundred people with eyes on the future getting together at a conference event called wikimania. They call themselves wikipedians. Now this isn't some weird Star Trek type cult. It actually means that they're members of the public around the world who write, update and edit articles found on the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. The site is one of the best examples of so-called Web 2.0 technology. Resources and programs where users anywhere can play a part in shaping and recreating the content. And at the wikimania conference the buzz was all about how Web 2.0 is beginning to transform the language of the Internet. Culture Shock's Alex Galliphen went along to wikmania to meet some of the delegates.

ALEX: Endisendral Mutchel is clutching his laptop as he makes his way towards lunch at the wikipedia event. Mutchel was born in Tanzania in East Africa. Now he lives in North Carolina, here in the United States. He leads a community of bloggers who blog from Africa and the United States about all kinds of cross-cultural topics. And they blog in African languages.

MUTCHEL: It was a very, very healthy conversation about politics back home, about culture. We have teachers, we have another guy who is an agricultural engineer. He is also sharing his knowledge so for me it is an opportunity for us to share knowledge although we don't live in the same space.

ALEX: These are grass roots blogs in African languages. But there is real excitement here about the possibility of the mainstream Internet speaking other languages too. David Weinberger is with the Berkmann Center for Internet and Society at Harvard.

DAVID: Personally I think there are going to be independent, culturally sensitive wikipedias but that puts us in this really interesting position where we can start to look at how 100, 200 cultures what they have agreed upon or the facts about anything from physics to the Bush administration and that prepares the ground for a type of global conversation that will never get resolved but at least we can have.

ALEX: So Endisendral Mutchel is now spearheading a version of wikipedia in Swahili and it's going pretty well according to Ethan Zagmon. He's co-founder of Global Voices Online, a site that provides links to citizen media being produced by people all around the world.

ETHAN: One of the legacies, it's part of the socialist legacy of Tanzania is that everyone has this strong sense of national identity and cultural identity And it's really united around this beautiful, beautiful language. And so to see Swahili to have a presence online, to see Swahili wikipedia hit 1000 articles is just a wonderful thing.

ALEX: Wikipedia is not the only organisation driving the diversification of language found on the Internet. Another Web 2.0 project has started work translating basic software programs into every African language spoken by more than a million people. It's a big challenge. The English language is crushingly dominant online. But it is a start.

主持人:首先来看,数以百计的有识之士最近在美国哈佛大学聚首,共同参加了一个名为"维基狂"的会议。他们自称"维基百科者"。这并非一个奇异的星际旅行式的时尚集会,实际上,尽管来自世界各地,他们有着共同的身份--为在线百科全书"维基百科"撰写、更新和编辑文章。"维基百科"是所谓 "网络2.0技术"的最佳代表之一。全球各个角落的用户所提供的资源和程序,都可以参与网站内容的重构。在这个叫做"维基狂"的会议上,人们都在议论"网络2.0"如何开始互联网上语言的变换。文化冲突的阿列克斯·加里芬亲临会议现场,对一些与会代表进行采访。








