英国新闻听力 美国逮捕孟买恐怖袭击者同党(在线收听

The United States government has declared that greenhouse gases are endangering the health of American people. The ruling means President Obama can now order cuts in emissions without having to win the backing of the US Senate, where climate change legislation is stalled. The move coincides with the climate change summit that opened today in Copenhagen. Mark Mardell reports from Washington.

The announcement had been expected for a while, but is important signal before President Obama travels to Copenhagen. At the moment, legislation restricting carbon emissions is tied up in the Senate, where it faces stiff opposition both from those who say restrictions will cost the United States in jobs and push up energy prices, and those who simply don't accept that climate change is real or man-made. If the legislation is passed at all, it won't be until next spring. But this declaration raises the possibility that if it is blocked, President Obama’s administration could simply impose new rules.

At the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit itself, the United Nations Climate Chief Yvo de Boer said countries must set an ambitious goal on lowering emissions of greenhouse gases to tackle global warming. He said the meeting would make history, but warned it needed to be the right sort of history.

There have been two explosions in Pakistan's second biggest city Lahore, killing at least 30 people. Eyewitnesses say the blasts went off in a popular market packed with shoppers. Aleem Maqbool reports from Islamabad.

Even in hours after the attack, the fire prevented emergency workers getting to the worst affected areas. Doctors in Lahore say many of those confirmed dead are women and children. This was the second attack in the country in a day. Earlier, ten people were killed in the Northwestern city of Peshawar when a suicide bomber blew himself up outside a courthouse. This latest bloodshed takes the number of those killed to well over 400 in the last two months alone. It seems as Taliban retaliation for the Pakistani army’s offensive against them in the tribal areas close to Afghanistan.

Prosecutors in the United States have charged a Pakistan-born American citizen in connection with last year's attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai. The man is alleged to have carried out surveillance on potential targets ahead of the attacks, in which more than 160 people died. Electron Neil Smith reports.

David Colman Headley or Daood Gilani, as he was known until three years ago, is accused of aiding and abetting the deadly attacks in Mumbai. Charges include conspiracy to bomb public places in India and to murder in Maine. A Pakistani national, he acquired American citizenship after his name changed, subsequently traveling to India at least nine times on business visas between 2006 and 2009. Prosecutors believe his persona of the middle-aged American businessman fluent in English was a perfect cover for alleged links to banned Islamist militant groups like Lashkar-e-Toiba.

Reports from Iran say dozens of people have been arrested after violent confrontations between security forces and anti-government demonstrators across the country. Witnesses said there'd been live gunfire in the capital Tehran. The demonstrations were led by Iranian students, angry at the disputed re-elections of President Ahmadinejad. Jon Leyne reports.

From numerous eyewitnesses, it sounds like this was one of the most widespread protests in Iran for months. Students at many universities across Iran staged demonstrations. Police and members of the government’s Basij militia tried to contain the protests within the universities. At the gates of Tehran University and several other universities, there were angry clashes. Tear gas and batons were used. Witnesses also spoke of gunfire in central Tehran. But it's not clear if anyone was shot or the guns were just fired in the air.

A senior British army officer has told the Iraq Inquiry in Britain that he urged the government to delay the invasion of Iraq two days before it went ahead. Major General Tim Cross said that in his view post-conflict preparations were not in place. He added that he did not believe the US was solely to blame and that Britain had not taken seriously enough the challenges that would arise after the invasion.

A judge in Chile has charged six people, including four doctors, in connection with the alleged killing in 1982 of the country's former president Eduardo Frei Montalva. The judge said there was now conclusive evidence that Mr. Frei, a vocal critic of the military leader Augusto Pinochet, had been poisoned in hospital after undergoing routine surgery.

A Western Sahara independence activist who stuck at Lanzarote Airport in Spain said she will continue her hunger strike and has refused all medical care. The woman, Aminatou Haidar, has been fasting for three weeks since she was expelled to the Spanish island by Moroccan authorities. They denied her entry to Western Sahara after she refused to classify herself as Moroccan.

美国政府宣布,温室气体正危害着美国人民的健康。该裁决意味着奥巴马总统可以下令减少排放量,而不需要赢得美国参议院的支持。气候变化立法目前正在参议院停滞不前。此举与今天在哥本哈根开幕的气候变化峰会相一致。Mark Mardell在华盛顿报道。



巴基斯坦第二大城市拉合尔发生两起爆炸事件,造成至少30人死亡。目击者称,爆炸发生在挤满购物者的繁忙的市场内。Aleem Maqbool在伊斯兰堡报道。


美国检控人员控诉一名巴基斯坦出生的美国公民与去年印度城市孟买发生的袭击事件有关。这名男子被控在袭击前对潜在袭击目标进行了监视。在袭击事件中共有160多人死亡。Electron Neil Smith报道。

David Colman Headley或者Daood Gilani(这是他三年前使用的名字)被指控协助了孟买的致命袭击。控诉包括密谋炸毁印度公共场合以及缅因州的谋杀罪。他是巴基斯坦国籍,在更改名字之后获得了美国公民身份,随后在2006年至2009年间,持商业签证前往印度至少九次。检控官相信,他作为一名英语流利的中年美国商人的身份完美的掩盖了他与被禁止的好战分子例如虔诚军之间的关系。

来自伊朗的报道称,安全力量和反政府示威者之间发生暴力冲突之后,全国各地共有数十人被逮捕。目击者称,首都德黑兰发生交火。示威活动由伊朗学生领导。他们对总统艾哈迈迪-内贾德有争议的再次当选表示愤怒。Jon Leyne报道。

据几名目击者所说,这似乎是几个月内伊朗发生的最大范围的抗议活动。伊朗许多大学的学生发起了示威游行。警方和政府Basij militia试图将抗议活动控制在大学范围内。在德黑兰大学和其他几所大学门口均发生了愤怒的冲突。警方使用了催泪瓦斯和警棍。目击者还表示德黑兰中部有人开枪。但是有人被击中还是只是向天空鸣枪还不清楚。

英国一名高级军官告诉英国伊拉克调查听证小组,在伊拉克战争爆发之前两天,他还敦促政府推迟对伊拉克的入侵活动。Tim Cross上将表示,按照他的观点,战后准备工作还没有到位。他还补充说,他不相信只有美国应该受到谴责,英国也没有严肃对待入侵后将会出现的一系列挑战。

智利法官控告六人与1982年前总统爱德华多·弗雷·蒙塔尔瓦(Eduardo Frei Montalva)被杀事件有关,其中包括四名医生。这名法官称,现在已有切实证据表明皮诺切特的批评者弗雷在进行了常规手术后被毒杀。

在西班牙兰萨罗特进行抗议的一名西撒哈拉独立活动家表示,她将继续进行绝食抗议,并拒绝所有医疗措施。这名女子名叫Aminatou Haidar,自被摩洛哥官方驱逐到这个西班牙岛屿以来已经绝食三周。在拒绝澄清自己的摩洛哥人身份时,她被拒绝入境西撒哈拉。
