英国新闻听力 里约热内卢发生暴雨和山体滑坡(在线收听

A suicide car bomber in northwestern Pakistan has killed more than 85 people and left many trapped under collapsed buildings. Dozens were injured in the blast which took place near the town of Lakki Marwat. Aleem Maqbool reports from Islamabad.

Eyewitnesses say a volleyball match was under way when a car filled with explosives was driven onto the ground. They say it blew up when it hit a building close to where most of the 200 or so spectators were sitting. The force of the blast was such that houses close by were destroyed, and among the many dead are believed to be members of a local peace committee which campaigned for an end to Taliban influence in the area.

The Somali hardline Islamist group Al-Shabaab has declared that it's ready to send fighters across the Red Sea to support Islamist rebels in Yemen. A top Al-Shabaab official Sheikh Mukhtar Robeo Abu Mansur made the pledge at a rally on the outskirts of the Somali capital Mogadishu. With more, here is our Africa editor Martin Plaut.

Hundreds of Al-Shabaab fighters paraded through the streets of Mogadishu. The fighters who had completed training in camps in southern Somalia heard an address from a senior Al-Shabaab official. He promised support for Islamists confronting the Yemeni government just across the Red Sea. "Make preparations for our coming," he said. Yemen is already in crisis with the authorities attacking Al-Qaeda positions and the United States increasing military support to the government.

Britain has called an international meeting to discuss how to combat Islamic militancy in Yemen. The move follows the alleged attempt to blow up an American airliner on Christmas Day by a young Nigerian who's thought to have been trained by al-Qaeda in Yemen. The conference has been welcomed by Yemen which says it will attend. The Yemeni Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al-Qirbi told the BBC his government hoped the meeting would provide help for Yemen to develop its economy so as to undercut the appeal of the militants. The conference is scheduled for late January to run parallel with talks about Afghanistan.

Heavy rain and landslides in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro have killed at least 30 people. Several were buried when a luxury guest house at a tourist resort was swept away. Other deadly mudslides have hit shanty towns where poorly built houses on hillsides have collapsed. The authorities have urged residents to move from high-risk areas. From Brazil, Gary Duffy reports.

The latest mudslide happened on Ilha Grande, an island just off the coast of the state Rio de Janeiro which is a famous tourist destination. The authorities say three houses and a luxury guest house were destroyed. Guests had apparently just returned to the rooms after the new year celebrations when the landslide happened after days of heavy rain. A search is continuing for survivors at the location which can only be reached by boat, and police helicopters and navy vessels are helping in the rescue effort.

The Iraqi government says it will vigorously pursue court action against five security guards from the American company Blackwater who were accused of killing 17 unarmed civilians in Baghdad in 2007. A spokesman called the decision by a judge in the US to dismiss charges against the men unacceptable and unfair. He said Iraqi investigations had confirmed unequivocally that Blackwater guards had committed a crime when they opened fire at a busy road junction in the absence of any threat justifying such action. An American judge ruled on Thursday that the prosecution in the case had used inadmissible evidence.

The freed British computer expert Peter Moore, who was abducted in Baghdad more than two and a half years ago, has arrived back in Britain. He flew into a Royal Air Force base in Oxfordshire, north of London, following his sudden release on Wednesday. Mr Moore was seized with four British bodyguards while in the Iraqi Finance Ministry in May 2007 by militants posing as police. Three of the bodyguards were later killed and their bodies returned. The fate of the fourth man hasn't been confirmed, but the British government says it believes he too is dead.

Iran's opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi has said the country is in a serious crisis and that the arrest or death of opposition leaders including himself would not calm the situation. The statement was his first since mass anti-government protests on Sunday. Bridget Kendall has the details.

This is a defiant statement cast in bold terms. Mr Mousavi warned Iran's leaders that their crackdown would not make opposition dissent go away. The only solution he said was to lift restrictions on the media and on peaceful rallies, release political prisoners and compromise with the protesters. Jailing or even executing them would only make matters worse. Already one senior cleric today has dismissed Mr Mousavi's statement as a new provocation.

巴基斯坦西北部发生自杀式汽车爆炸事件,造成超过85人死亡,多人被困在倒塌的废墟中。爆炸发生在Lakki Marwat镇附近,几十人在爆炸中受伤。Aleem Maqbool在伊斯兰堡报道。


索马里强硬派伊斯兰组织激进青年党宣布,准备向红海地区派遣战士,支持也门伊斯兰叛军。青年党高级官员Sheikh Mukhtar Robeo Abu Mansur在索马里首都摩加迪沙外围举行的集会上做出了承诺。我们的非洲编辑Martin Plaut带来更详细信息。


英国呼吁召开国际会议,讨论怎样打击也门伊斯兰好战分子的问题。此前,一名尼日利亚男子试图圣诞节当天在美国航班上实施爆炸,据称此人曾在也门接受基地组织训练。会议受到也门的欢迎,也门政府表示一定会参加。也门外交部长Abu Bakr al-Qirbi告诉BBC,也门政府希望这次会议能够为也门发展经济提供帮助,以削减对好战分子的吸引力。会议安排在一月末,与阿富汗会谈同时进行。

巴西里约热内卢的暴雨和滑坡已造成至少30人死亡。一座旅游度假村的豪华别墅被卷走时,数人被埋在下面。其他致命的泥石流袭击了棚户区,山坡上的简易房屋倒塌。官方敦促居民迅速撤离高危地区。巴西,Gary Duffy报道。

最近的泥石流发生在里约热内卢海岸Ilha Grande岛屿,是著名的旅游目的地。官方表示,三座房屋和一座豪华旅馆被毁。很明显,客人们刚刚庆祝完新年回到房间,随后,连续几天的暴雨引发了山体滑坡。在船只可以到达的地方,警方正在搜救幸存者,警用直升机和海军舰船也在进行搜救工作。




