英国新闻听力 英国机场将安装全身扫描仪(在线收听

The United States and Britain have closed their embassies in Yemen because of what officials say are continuing threats from al-Qaeda. The US embassy has told its citizens in Yemen to be vigilant. President Obama has accused a Yemen-based group linked to al-Qaeda of being behind a failed attempt to blow up an American airliner over Detroit on Christmas Day. Jonathan Head reports from Yemen.

The US Embassy in Sana'a resembles a fortress, guarded by heavy machine guns and a formidable row of concrete barriers. The British Embassy is more discreetly protected. Both, though, remain closed for the moment because of intelligence suggesting a terrorist attack is now far more likely. A recent statement by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the group blamed for the failed Christmas Day bombing, called for an all-out war against what it called the "crusaders who work in embassies".

A senior White House official has said that lapses and human errors were to blame for the American security service's failure to identify the Nigerian suspect, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, in advance over the attempted Detroit bombing. Imtiaz Tyab reports from Washington.

The White House counter-terrorism and security adviser John Brennan is leading a review ordered by President Obama of the alleged attempted bombing of the Northwest Airlines flight on Christmas Day. He said there were lapses and errors in the sharing of intelligence, but no single piece of evidence pointed to an attempted attack. US authorities have charged 23-year-old Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab with trying to blow up a US-bound flight with explosives he had smuggled to board in his underwear.

The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said airports in Britain are to install full-body scanners to check passengers before flights. The move comes as security is tightened globally. This report from Jane Moore.

Gordon Brown said the authorities were responding to a new kind of threat and more measures would be introduced in British airports to tighten security. However, he said no one could be 100% certain that the new technology would work. He said the body scanners had already been ordered by the British airports authority. A spokesman for BAA said they'd be introduced to London's Heathrow Airport as soon as possible.

The French Health Ministry is selling off doses of swine flu vaccine which it believes the country no longer needs. Last year, France bought 94 million doses of the vaccine for a population of 63 million people. Since then, European medical authorities have published advice, suggesting that a single dose of vaccine may be enough to protect people against swine flu.

Hundreds of workers in northern China are trying to contain an oil leak that’s spilled 150,000 liters of diesel into a major tributary of the Yellow River. According to state media reports, the leak was caused by a construction accident on a state-owned fuel pipeline that’s built into the Wei River.

A Chinese province has ordered a halt to the production of fireworks after nine people were killed in an explosion at a factory on Friday. Investigators in Shanxi province said the factory was over-crowded and staff hadn't had proper safety training. State media said the police and the safety officials had been ordered to overhaul all fireworks factories in the province.

Hundreds of Israeli settlers have demonstrated outside the office in Jerusalem of the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They are opposed to a temporary and limited freeze on building in West Bank settlements. One of the leaders of the protest, which was made up of civil servants working in West Bank settlements, said they’re to continue building with or without government help. Settlers have said they'll defy the Israeli government's decision.

A senior official at the Iranian Football Federation has offered his resignation after the organization sent a New Year’s greeting to its Israeli counterpart. The official said the email was sent accidentally. Here is a report from Sebastian Usher of our Middle East desk.

The antagonism between Iran and Israel extends to the sporting arena. Iranian teams won’t play in tournaments where Israelis are also competing. So this is a big embarrassment for the Iranian Football Federation. For Israel, though, it's been a little like relief. Israeli football officials say they couldn't quite believe their eyes when they saw the greeting, but they then decided to make the most of it, sending back Happy New Year wishes to, in their words, all the good people of Iran, and ending the message with a wink.

The Hollywood film Avatar about a disabled marine who infiltrates a race of big blue aliens has become one of the most lucrative movies ever. Box office figures suggest it's earned more than a billion dollars worldwide since opening 17 days ago. Avatar was directed by James Cameron and combines live action with computer-generated effects.

由于官员们所说的来自基地组织的持续威胁,美国和英国关闭了驻也门大使馆。美国大使馆已告知驻也门公民保持警惕。奥巴马总统指控也门一个与基地组织有关的团体指使了圣诞节当天底特律美国航班上的爆炸未遂事件。Jonathan Head在也门报道。


白宫一名高级官员表示,美国安全部门未能在底特律爆炸未遂事件之前辨别出尼日利亚嫌疑人阿卜杜勒-穆塔拉,应该归咎于过失和人为失误。Imtiaz Tyab在华盛顿报道。

奥巴马总统下令对圣诞节当天西北航空爆炸未遂事件进行调查,调查活动由白宫反恐和安全顾问John Brennan领导。他说,在情报分享方面存在失误和过失,但是没有任何单独的证据显示会出现预谋的袭击。美国当局控告23岁的尼日利亚男子阿卜杜勒-穆塔拉试图使用藏在内衣中偷运上机的炸药炸毁飞往美国的航班。

英国首相戈登·布朗表示,英国机场将安装全身扫描仪,在登机前对旅客进行检查。此举是由于全球安全形势紧张。这里是来自Jane Moore的报道。






伊朗足联向以色列足联致新年问候之后,伊朗足联一名高级官员宣布辞职。这名官员表示,这份邮件是意外发出的。下面是我们的中东记者Sebastian Usher的报道。


