英国新闻听力 英公司向伊拉克出口伪劣炸弹检测仪(在线收听

Justice Department officials working on how to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center have recommended that 47 of those held there should stay in prison indefinitely without trial. Adam Brooks reports.

196 people suspected of terrorism or war crimes remain in the camps. The task forces concluded that 35 of them should be prosecuted; more than 100 should eventually be released; but 47 are too dangerous to release, but cannot be tried because the evidence against them is too flimsy or was extracted from them by coercion, so wouldn't hold up in court. These then would have to be held indefinitely without trial - an outcome that will dismay civil liberties groups who hoped the president would end the practice of detention without trial.

The British government has announced a ban on the export of a type of bomb detector to Iraq and Afghanistan after a BBC investigation found that the device doesn't work. There are concerns that the detectors have failed to stop bomb attacks in Iraq which have killed hundreds of people. The Iraqi government has spent 85 million dollars on the devices. Caroline Hawley reports.

From his company's office in the west of England, Jim McCormick has sold his so-called bomb detector around the world. The biggest customer has been Iraq where the hand-held wand is being used at checkpoints throughout Baghdad. Lives literally depend on it. Jim McCormick claims that it works through special cards slotted into the device, supposedly programmed to detect different explosives. But the BBC has had one of the cards analyzed, and it contains nothing more than a cheap tag used in high street shops to prevent theft.

British lawyers say it's doubtful that thousands of Ivorians affected by a toxic chemical spillage in Ivory Coast in 2006 would receive any compensation following a court ruling in Abidjan. The court ordered that a 45-million-dollar settlement with the oil group Trafigura, who had brought the chemical waste to the country, should be transferred to a local activist group for distribution. The activists had argued they were better placed to look after the victims' interests. John James reports from the court in Abidjan.

The money had been paid by multi-national oil trader Trafigura, who brought 500 tons of chemical waste to Abidjan in August 2006, where it was then dumped by a local contractor. Trafigura said that it expected the waste to be safely treated in Abidjan. But 30,000 Ivorians said they felt ill after the dumping and brought a class action against the firm in London. In an out-of-court settlement, each claimant agreed to drop the accusations would receive 1,500 dollars. The money was transferred to an account in Ivory Coast where as it was about to be handed out. A local activist Claude Gohourou said that his organization should be in charge of distributing the money and the bank account was frozen.

The Federal High Court in Nigeria has given the government 14 days to decide whether the country's President Umaru Yar'Adua is capable of performing his duties. President Yar'Adua left the country almost two months ago for medical treatment in Saudi Arabia, but hasn't formally transferred powers to the Vice President Goodluck Jonathan.

The authorities in Britain have raised the threat of an international terrorist attack in the country to its second highest level - 'severe'. But Britain's Home Secretary Alan Johnson said there was no intelligence to suggest one was imminent. The BBC security correspondent says the threat from international terrorism is seen and is having increased after the failed attempt last month to bomb a plane bound for the American city of Detroit.

A two-year-old boy in Brazil, who had dozens of needles inserted into his body by his stepfather, has been released from hospital. The child received three operations at a hospital in the northeastern state of Barreiras to remove most of the needles. Doctors said the boy will require further treatment but will be able to lead a normal life. Greg Morsbach reports.

The police opened an investigation and arrested the child's stepfather. He confessed to sticking the needles into the child apparently one needle a day over the course of several weeks. The stepfather told the police it was part of a black magic ritual to get back at his ex-wife, the boy's mother. The two-year-old had three operations. Almost all of the foreign objects have been removed; some of them were life-threatening as they were lodged in the lungs. Surgeons say the fragments of several needles are still trapped under his skin.

Opera goers in Scotland are attending a performance of Prokofiev's War and Peace which for the first time has the score the composers wanted audiences to hear. The performance in Glasgow is the premiere of the original score rejected by Stalin. Material added at the request of the Soviet authorities has been removed.

负责研究怎样关闭关塔纳摩拘留中心的司法部官员建议,将其中47名囚犯无限期地关押在监狱,不予审判。Adam Brooks报道。


BBC调查发现一种炸弹检测仪无效,随后英国政府宣布禁止这种检测仪向伊拉克和阿富汗出口。有人担忧,这种检测仪未能阻止伊拉克的爆炸袭击,已导致数百人死亡。伊拉克政府已在这种仪器上花费8500万美元。Caroline Hawley报道。

Jim McCormick在英格兰西部的公司办公室向世界各地出售所谓的炸弹检测仪。最大的客户是伊拉克,目前巴格达所有检查点都在使用这种手持检测仪。不夸张地说,生命就依赖这种检测仪。Jim McCormick声称,这种检测仪主要依靠内置于仪器中的特殊的卡片工作,用来检测不同类型的爆炸物质。但是BBC找人对其中一张卡片进行了分析,其中只有一张主要街道商场使用的用于防治盗窃的标签。

英国律师表示,他们怀疑2006年象牙海岸受有毒化学物质危害的数千人能否按照阿比让法庭裁决得到赔偿。法庭裁决,以4500万美元与向该国家倾倒化学废料的Trafigura石油公司达成和解,这笔资金交由当地活动组织进行分配。此前,活动家辩称,由他们来分配能够更好地保障受害者的利益。John James在阿比让法庭报道。

这笔资金由跨国石油贸易公司Trafigura支付,2006年8月,该公司向阿比让运输了50吨化学废物,随后由当地一家承包商倾倒。Trafigura表示,他们认为这些废物能够在阿比让得到安全的处理。但是30,000名象牙海岸人表示,废物倾倒之后他们患病,因此对这个位于伦敦的公司进行了共同起诉。在庭外和解中,每名同意放弃控诉的人将收到1,500美元的赔偿。这笔资金被转到象牙海岸一个账户,对受害人进行分发。当地活动家Claude Gohourou表示,他的组织将负责分发这笔资金,现在银行账户已经被冻结。

尼日利亚联邦高级法院给政府14天的时间来考虑,总统亚拉杜瓦能否履行总统职责。大约两个月前,亚拉杜瓦离开尼日利亚,前往沙特阿拉伯进行治疗,但是没有正式将权利移交给副总统Goodluck Jonathan。

英国当局已将国际恐怖主义袭击威胁等级提升到第二级——严重。但是英国内政大臣Alan Johnson表示,没有情报表明袭击将很快发生。BBC安全记者表示,自上月飞往美国底特律的航班上发生炸机未遂事件之后,来自国外恐怖主义的威胁不断增加。

巴西一名被继父插入体内数十根针的两岁男孩出院。这个男孩在东北部Barreiras一家医院接受了三次手术来移除体内大部分针。医生表示,这个男孩还需要进一步的治疗,但是能够正常生活。Greg Morsbach报道。


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