欧美文化博览 走进墨西哥(4)(在线收听

To come here,to the stations, With all the difficulties that dealts, to perform magnets, we are motivated because we know our job's important.Not only for us, but for every person who live in Mexico city. And if that earthquake occurs, we may save many lives.


The equipment is so delicate, it needs shielding for the sub-tropical sun, and retrieve must work fast.


The routine magnets is done every two months, so every two months we come to look at each one of parameters of the sensor equipment and ramification and done.We measure the lots of parameter with moderator we have here with us.


The sensor passes the inspection, the electronic lock out faithfully its post. In the never ending war with mother nature, Mexico city remains on the defensive. Ever alert. Never knowing when it will be forced to re-live a nightmare. The day, the earth shock.


Most great cities are founded on rivers. Mexico city was founded on prophecy. On the Swaphin island,as take legacy says, an omen appeared. An eagle perched on a cactus eating a snake. An omen to build. The architects builds Tinosity strawn, the city of dreams. Through the century, it survived mother nature's worse torments. Then from across the sea came a man-made disaster. Spanish conquers the doors, destory the city of dreams, and build a new city in its place. Centuries later, disasters still alive from the sea, the empty center of Mexico cities biggest quakes. September 19th, 1995, just after 7:00am, the city awakes to shatter news.

多数大城市都建立在河流附近。墨西哥城诞生预言。在Swaphin岛,作为遗产,吉兆显现。一只鹰停在仙人掌上吃一条蛇。这就是建造的预兆。建筑师们建造了城市的梦想Tinosity strawn。而整个世纪,它幸免于大自然的折磨。然后海上的人造灾难降临。西班牙敲开了大门,摧毁这个城市的梦想,并建立一个新的城市。数百年后,海上灾难再次降临,墨西哥最大的地震带来了一场浩劫。1995年9月19日刚过7点,城市在睡梦中醒来,还不知道将被粉碎的消息。
