欧美文化博览 走进墨西哥(6)(在线收听


For the millions without electricity, battery powered radio was the only way to get news. The grief of the entire city found a voice. While one man chronicled the disaster ,another struggled to survive it . I remember very well, this hit that corner from over there, it destroyed all the level, it destroyed all the floors, and I fell, I fell over here, here, I stood over here, buried under rubble.


Petra Feddis Decon live to become the most popular radio host in the nation, in 1985, he was just another victim of bad engineering. I believe many of the buildings that collapse are because of corruption. In this country ,they were regulations for construction ,it's true, the authority's measures of the plans ,but the material's use were not added up to the proper standards. Fewer material was used ,less steel was used ,a lower quality of concrete was used.The result was many buildings that from my point of view were not supposed to fall actually did.


Even the most important building one constructed that withstands the shock waves. A few blocks over there , there is a national hospital of Mexico ,it fell. Hospital ,churches ,stadiums and public spaces should be built differently ,they can't collapse ,well, they fell completely.


