欧美文化博览 迈克尔•乔丹传(5)(在线收听


For fans who had watched him since his days as a Carolina schoolboy, what emerged now was not just the skill but the will power. Those who remembered his raw potential. now saw the results of a lifetime of hard work.

He would go to JV practice and practice, and then he'd go to varsity practice. We'd play ball games, and after the games were over, he'd run what we called "suicides" or line drills, he'd run those by himself.

I just marveled at his work habits even then. With his competitiveness to go with all that dedication, you know, it was something to see.

The weakest part of Michael's game on the offensive end was his shooting. So he obviously mastered something that everybody said he couldn't do when he came out of college. And he did it by shooting and shooting and shooting and shooting consistently.而对于从他在卡罗莱纳州高中生时光就一起走过来的粉丝们而已,现在希望看到的不仅仅是赏心悦目的技巧,而是意志的力量。这些粉丝记得他的优秀潜力,而现在看到的是一生努力工作的结果。

The other thing that people told him that he wasn't a really good defensive player. And he found a way, not only to become a great defensive player, but the best defensive player in the NBA. This guy said, "Those are my weaknesses, I'm going to figure out how to make those my strengths." And he did it!他会去不停的练习,之后他就会去参加正式比赛。我们曾经参与这项运动,而游戏结束后,他就会去做我们称为“自杀”的训练或者是魔鬼训练,他只能靠自己。
