2020年CRI 2位科学家因基因编辑工具获得诺贝尔化学奖 中国或将成今年唯一正增长的主要经济体(在线收听

China's embassy in Japan has slammed U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's accusations against China over issues related to the East and South China Seas, cyber security and China-India regional conflicts.

Pompeo made the remarks during an interview on the sidelines of a "Quad" meeting in Tokyo with the foreign ministers of Japan, India and Australia.

A spokesperson from the Chinese embassy accused Pompeo of "maliciously creating political confrontation" and urged the U.S. side to abandon its Cold War mentality.

U.S. President Donald Trump has returned to the Oval Office for the first time since he was diagnosed with COVID-19.

He came back to the White House after a three-day hospitalization and had been working from a makeshift office space on the ground floor of his residence.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Brian Morgenstern says they have safety measures in place for the president to work from the Oval Office.

"We have PPE that we can use and we can interact with him standing back like you're standing back from me. And people can wear masks or goggles or gloves or whatever may be needed, we have CDC (Centers for Disease Control) guidelines. So when he's ready, and the White House and the West Wing are deep cleaned on a regular basis."

Morgenstern says Trump is being briefed on economic stimulus talks and a potentially devastating hurricane heading toward the Gulf Coast.

White House physician Sean Conley earlier said Trump had been "symptom-free for over 24 hours."

He wrote in a memo that his physical exam and vital signs all remain stable and in normal range.

Conley disclosed that the president has been fever-free for more than 4 days and has not needed nor received any supplemental oxygen since his initial hospitalization.

Two scientists have won this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their discovery on gene editing.

Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna were awarded for the development of a method for genome editing.

The scientists discovered "genetic scissors" that can be used to change the DNA of animals, plants and microorganisms with extremely high precision.

The tool can serve as a molecular scalpel for DNA to disable or repair a mutated part of the gene which may cause illness.

Charpentier says the tool might help scientists to develop vaccines for COVID-19.

Doudna says their discovery may even give plants or insects abilities to better withstand the impacts of climate change.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and the one in Physics were awarded earlier this week.

The former Minneapolis police officer charged with the death of George Floyd has been released from a correctional facility after posting a bond of one million U.S. dollars.

Derek Chauvin was released on conditions including prohibitions against working in law enforcement and contact with Floyd's family.

Chauvin is also required to surrender any licenses or permits for firearms.

The white former police officer was charged with second- and third-degree murder and manslaughter in the Black man's death.

Videos of the incident showing the officer kneeling on Floyd's neck during an arrest set off nationwide protests over police brutality and racism.

Global economic output is expected to decline by 4.4 percent this year.

A survey of 950 economic experts from 110 countries says almost 20 percent of the experts forecasted that it will be 2023 before the global economy fully recovers.

China is the only major economy for which the experts are forecasting positive growth for this year, with GDP increasing by an estimated 2.3 percent.

The United States will see GDP fall by 6.5 percent while the economy in the European Union is expected to shrink by 8.4 percent.

The World Trade Organization earlier said global trade is expected to fall 9.2 percent this year.

It revised its April prediction when it said the volume of merchandise trade will decline by between 13 and 32 percent this year.

A team of Chinese medical experts has arrived in Angola to help the African country combat COVID-19.

The team from Hubei Province consists of 10 experts specializing in respiratory diseases, infectious diseases, intensive care, disease control, and traditional Chinese medicine.

All of them have frontline experience fighting COVID-19 in Hubei Province.

They will spend two weeks in Angola, share China's experience in containing COVID-19 with local medical staff, and train local medics on the diagnosis and treatment of patients.

































