密歇根新闻广播 反对性骚扰(在线收听


In response to the Larry Nassar scandal at Michigan State University, state legislators have submitted bills to fight sexual assault. They have bi-partisan support, but the Catholic Church and the ACLU say they're concerned about one bill that would let people who were abused as children file lawsuits until they're 48 years old. Now, most suits have to be filed by the time the accuser turns 19.

Senior news analyst Jack Lessenberry tells Michigan Radio's "Morning Edition" host Doug Tribou what he thinks of the bill.

They also discuss the wide-ranging responses to the schooling shooting in Parkman, Fla., including legislation that would allow schools to install gun lockers, and a petition calling for gun-law reform created by students in Kalamazoo. Also, messages to students and those applying to various universities that those universities, including the University of Michigan, respect their right to protest lawfully, and after more than 7 years, the state is preparing to return money to tens of thousands of teachers.
