《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第4集17:不想贸然前去(在线收听

What'd we miss?We were just chatting.

我们错过什么了吗 我们刚在聊天

Drink, Damon?No, thanks, I'll pass.

要喝吗 达蒙 不用 谢了 不喝了

Stefan, do you have another dance in you?Absolutely.

斯特凡 你想再跳一曲吗 当然

They look so cute together.


Don't talk, please.Don't shoot. Only need a refill.

拜托 别说了 什么也别说 再来一杯就好

Shooting implies caring.


Feigned indifference. I like it.

假装冷漠 我喜欢

I'm over the banter, Logan.

我受够戏弄了 罗根

I'd really rather you just left me alone.


I'm sorry, Jenna.About your sister.Thank you.

我很遗憾 珍娜 我听说你姐姐的事了 谢谢

Came to the funeral.I know.I saw you.

我去参加葬礼了 我知道 我看到你了

Yeah, I didn't want to push my way in,


But I wanted to be there for you.


And when I heard you were staying in mystic falls,


I thought maybe...Well, maybe I could have A second chance to make things right.

我想也许...也许我可以 有机会来弥补过去做错的事
