《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第4集20:生活现实起来(在线收听

Ok, I know that this is probably going to be strike 3,


But I hope you can see it for what it is.


And what is it? - Persistence.

什么用意 -坚持不懈

Groveling, commitment. Take your pick.

低声下气 给你承诺 随你挑

I fled town because of you.Fled.

我因为你逃离小镇 逃离

I was young and stupid,And then things changed.

我当时年幼无知 而后一切都变了

Life got...real.You'd know that better than anyone.

生活现实起来 你应该深有体会

Hypothetically speaking, if allowed,

假如 我再次接纳你

How would you make things right?


Well, more groveling, of course.


A recap of the past few years spent soul searching.


Cheese fries.Obvious.I know my audience.

伴着芝士薯条 显而易见 我了解我的观众

Yes to lunch. Call me.

同意跟你吃午饭 打给我

Look around. What's missing?

看看四周 缺了什么

The flames, the candles.Why aren't they lit?

蜡烛上的火焰呢 为什么不点着

There's matches in the kitchen.Bitch.

厨房有火柴 贱人
