《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第5集02:行径逐渐暴露(在线收听

Where's my ring?You won't be needing it anymore.

我的戒指呢 你再也不需要它了

How long have I been here? - Three days.

我在这里多久了 -三天

What are you doing?


During the dark ages, when the vampire's actions start to expose

中世纪时期 吸血鬼的行径逐渐暴露

And bring harms upon the entire race.


They will face judgement. They sort to re-educate them

他们将面临审判 获得重新教育

Rather than to punish them.


You know what happened if I don't feed on blood.


You'll go weaker and weaker.


And eventually won't be able to move or speak.

最终将不能动 不能说话

In a week, your skin will desiccate and you will munmmify,

一周之内 你的皮肤会脱水 变成木乃伊

A living corpse.Unable to hurt anyone, ever.

如同干尸死肉 无法再伤害别人 再也不能

So, what, you're just gonna leave me in the basement forever?


I've injected you with enough vervain to keep you weak.

我已经给你注射了足量的马鞭草 让你虚弱

Once your circulation stops, I'll move you to the family crypt

一旦你的身体机能停止 我就把你移到家族地窖

And then in 50 years we can re-evaluate.


I'm stronger than you think. - You always have been.

我比你想象的要强 -你一直比我想的强

But you are not stronger than the vervain.


And we both know it.I'm sorry.Didn't have to be this way.

这点我们都很清楚 抱歉 事情原本不必如此的
