《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第5集10:不光彩的事(在线收听

Jenna?Jenna?Stefan? What are you doing here?Dinner.

珍娜 珍娜 斯特凡 你在这里干什么 做晚饭

Jeremy told me that chicken parmesan is one of your favorites,


And I happen to be a good cook. The Italian roots demand it.

因为意大利血统 我刚好是很棒的厨师

I can even make my own homemade mozzarella.


Only tonight, it is unfortunately Storboboht. Sorry.

但今晚 我只能用超市买的 对不起

I don't know what you're trying to accomplish.


You want to know me, right?


Well, I figure if you're going to dump me,


You should at least, um, know who you're dumping.

起码也得知道 你甩的是个怎样的人

So let's start with Katherine.Stefan...

所以我们从凯瑟琳说起吧 斯特凡...

She was...the most beautiful girl that I had ever met.


She had this perfect olive skin.


And she had this laugh. It was ridiculous.

还有她的笑 非常夸张

I mean, her laugh made you laugh. And she was fun.

我是说 她的笑也能让你笑出来 她很风趣

She knew how to have a good time.


But Katherine was also very impatient and entitled

但凯瑟琳非常缺乏耐心 又很有控制欲

And selfish, and, um, and impulsive.Enter Damon.

自私 还很冲动 下面说说达蒙

He claims that he was with her first.I don't know.

他说是他先和她在一起的 我不确定

I do know that I did some things that...I'm not proud of.And my biggest regret...

我只知道我当时...做了些不光彩的事 而我最大的遗憾

Is not being able to make it right before she died.

就是没能在她活着的时候 弥补我所犯下的错

I miss her, but... I'm no longer crippled by her loss.

我怀念她 但不再因她的死而心如死灰
