《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第5集12:掩藏自己的本质(在线收听

Caroline.Caroline.No, Tiki, do not do the one-piece, ok?

卡罗琳 卡罗琳 不 蒂琦 别穿连体式的 行吗

I've seen it on you. Trust me.

我见过你穿上是什么样 信我

Yeah, but you're going for stripper pole vibe this year.


Caroline.Yeah, maybe we should wash the cars in slow motion.

卡罗琳 也许我们该把洗车的动作放慢

No.Caroline.What? Oh, um, no, sorry.

不 卡罗琳 什么 不是 抱歉

Um, so I'll just see you tomorrow.Two-piece. Ok, bye.God!

那我们明天见吧 两件式的 好 拜 天啊

I bet you're feeling pretty good about yourself, aren't you?

我敢说你现在自我感觉非常好 对吗

Not particularly.You won.You got the bad guy.

其实没有 你赢了 你抓住坏人了

Now nothing could come between you and Elena.


Except the truth.The lies will catch up to you, Stefan.

除了真相 谎言会让你作茧自缚的 斯特凡

As long as you keep lying to yourself about what you are.

只要你仍旧在欺骗自己 掩藏自己的本质

The beauty of you in there And me out here...

你困在里面 而我在铁栏外的好处

Is that I can walk away.

