《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第5集17:快乐天地(在线收听

Caroline finally freed you, huh?


Uh, I don't know where she went.She abandoned me.

我不知道她去哪了 她把我甩了

Hey, I realized earlier, I had no idea That your family was from Italy.No?

我刚才想起来 我以前完全不知道 你的家族是来自意大利的啊 你不知道吗

Last name Salvatore didn't do it for you?


Right.Are there any other Salvatores in mystic falls?

也对 神秘瀑布镇还有其他姓塞尔瓦托的人吗

My uncle Zach.Where did everyone else go?Kinda just spread out.Why?

还有我叔叔扎克 其他的人都去哪了 估计是迁移走了 怎么了

I'm just trying to learn more about you.


Where are you taking me?We can't hide out in your room all the time.

你要带我去哪 我们不能总是躲在你房间里

Welcome to my other favorite party place.What, the cemetary?Yeah. It's cool, huh?

欢迎来到我的另一个快乐天地 哪儿 坟地吗 是的 很酷吧

Yo, Vick What's up, Jared?You baby-sitting, Donovan?

薇姬 怎么样 杰里德 你在做保姆吗 多诺万

This is Jeremy. He's cool.Smoke up.Your car was done an hour ago.

这是杰里米 他很酷 来一口 你的车一小时前已经洗好了

You're saying that out loud why?Hi. Elena, right?

你说这么大声干什么 你好 是埃琳娜吧

I think I met you once when you were 9.


Your emotional maturity level when we were together.

当年我们在一起的时候 你也幼稚得如孩童

Ouch. Here I thought we were making progress.

天呐 我还以为我们的关系有进展了呢

Is he enough in your good graces That I can ask him for a favor?

他足够受到你的青睐吗 因为我想请他帮个忙

If I do her a favor,Will I get back in your good graces?

我要是帮她个忙 能重新赢得你的青睐吗

Uh, a very reluctant maybe to both.


Done. Wait. One condition.Dinner, tonight, your house.Fine. But you're eating leftovers.

成交 等等 一个附加条件 今晚在你家共进晚餐 可以 但你得吃剩饭

What do you need?Do you have access to old news stories,Say, fifties?Yeah, at the station.

你想要什么 你有权查看过去的新闻档案吗 比如50年前的 可以 在电视台里就行

Between the archives and the internet,We pretty much have everything.

有了档案库和互联网 我们几乎无所不有

I have this report way past due.It'd be a life saver.Heading there now.Let's go.

我有个拖欠没交的报告 那些资料会救我一命的 现在就去吧 我们走

If anyone asks, you don't know where I went.I don't want Caroline to know that I left.

要是有人问起 就说不知道我去哪里了 我可不想让卡罗琳知道我溜掉了
