《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第5集21:隐藏真正的自我(在线收听

People are supposed to be who they say they are.

人们应该言行一致 保持真我

And not lie or hide their true selves.

而不该说谎 不该隐藏真正的自我

What are you doing here?Oh, hey, man. Just looking for the bathroom.

你在这里干什么 我只是在找卫生间

It's not possible.I'm not a believer, I can't be.

不可能的 我不是个信徒 也不可能是

But how can I deny what's right in front of me?


Someone who never grows old...


1953.Never gets hurt...Oh, my god, your hand!

1953年 永远不会受伤 天哪 你的手

Is it deep? How bad is it?

深口深吗 有多严重

Soone who changes in ways that can't be explained...


Hey, um, are you ok?Your eye.Your face.

你还好吗 你的眼睛 你的脸

Girls bitten... what is that?

被咬的女孩们 那是什么

Oh, my god, what happened to you?

天呐 怎么回事

It's nothing! - Bodies drained off blood...

没什么 -被吸干血液的尸体

Did she say what kind of animal it was?


She said it was a vampire.

