《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第6集02:永远不会伤害你(在线收听

Elena.I would never hurt you.You're safe with me.

埃琳娜 我永远不会伤害你 你和我在一起是安全的

All those animal attacks,Those people who died-

那些动物袭击事件 那些死去的人

No. That was Damon.Damon? - Yes.I don't drink human blood.

不 那是达蒙做的 达蒙 -没错 我不吸人血

That's not how I choose to survive,but Damon does.

那不是我选择的生活方式 但达蒙要吸人血

I'll explain everything to you,But I beg you, Elena,

我会向你解释所有事情 但是请求你 埃琳娜

Do not tell anybody.How can you ask me that?

不要告诉任何人 你怎么能要求我那样做

Because you knowing this is dangerous For so many reasons.

因为你知道这很危险 有太多理由了

You can hate me,But I need you to trust me.

你可以恨我 但我需要你信任我

Just go.Just go, please.Go.If you mean me no harm, then you'll go.

你走吧 走吧 求你了 走 如果你真的无意伤害我 那就走吧

I never wanted this.

