《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第6集03:滥杀无辜(在线收听

Hello.I want my ring.Where are you?I'm at the sizzler.

喂 我要我的戒指 你在哪 我在火边

I had the buffet.Where's my ring?

我刚吃了个自助餐 我的戒指在哪

I don't have it. Where are you? What have you done?

不在我这里 你在哪 你干了什么

No, what have you done?

不 应该是你干了什么

You're the one that locked me in the basement and starved me,

是你把我锁在地下室 企图饿死我

So whatever I've done,Whoever I've sucked dry is on you, buddy.

所以无论我干了什么 无论我把谁吸干了 都是因为你 兄弟

You're being careless.How many more animal attacks is this town gonna believe, huh?

你太大意了 你再滥杀无辜 镇民们还会相信是野兽袭击吗

I know how to cover my tracks, Stefan.

我知道怎么掩盖我的痕迹 斯特凡

Where's my ring?I gave it to Zach to hide.

我的戒指在哪 我让扎克藏起来了

Probably shouldn't have killed him.Ah, you almost got me.

也许你不该杀死他 哈 你差点就骗了我

Where is it?I'll get it back, but I need time.

戒指在哪里 我会拿回来的 但我需要时间

What, did you fedex it to Rome?

怎么 你把它快递到罗马去了吗

Where is it?I want my ring, Stefan,Or my next stop's Elena's.

到底在哪 我要我的戒指 斯特凡 不然埃琳娜家就是我的下一站

I already want you dead.Don't give me another reason to make it happen.

我早盼着你完蛋了 别让我再多个理由来毁灭你

Don't give me another reason to rip you apart.


Yeah? Is that gonna be before or After you get your ring back.Just get it.

是吗 是在你拿回你的戒指之前 还是之后呢 拿戒指去
