《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第6集05:试图隐匿行踪(在线收听

Are there any others, aside from you and Damon?

除了你和达蒙外 还有别的吸血鬼吗

Not in Mystic Falls, not anymore.Not anymore?

神秘瀑布镇没有了 不再有了 不再有了

There was a time when this town was.

历史上有段时间 这个镇的人

Very much aware of vampires,And it didn't end well for anybody.

对于吸血鬼知道得太多 结果对所有人都没好结果

That's why it's important that you don'tell anyone.


I can't promise that.Elena...Give me today.

我不能保证 埃琳娜 今天给我一天的时间

I will answer any questions that you have,And when it's over,

我会回答你的所有问题 当这结束后

You can decide for yourself What you wanna do with what you know.

你可以自己决定 要怎么处理你知道的那些事

It'll be your choice.Never smelled one this bad before.

到时候你自己选择 从没闻过如此糟糕的味道

It tried to cover its tracks.Are you sure?

它试图隐匿行踪 你确定吗

I'm positive. You only burn a corpse To try to hide cause of death,

我确定 只有要掩藏死因时 才会将尸体烧掉

And there are no shell casings.We know who they are?

而且这里没有弹壳 知道死者的身份吗

Doc'll have to check their dental records.


What story should I run?Drug deal gone bad.

我的报道该怎么说 毒品交易失控

It's not too big a stretch.I got the Gilbert watch.Good.

也不算很离谱的借口啊 我拿到吉尔伯特家族怀表了 很好

Found this in the brush about 10 yards away.

