
C-Note将好不容易凑到的500美元拿给狱警Geary,以为就能住进Michael的牢房。不料狱警却说涨价了,于是D. B. Cooper忍痛割爱,把怀表也贡献出来。然而狱警拿走把钱和怀表的同时,告诉他们:那间牢房已经被别人捷足先登了。

[00:53.66]D. B. Cooper
[01:11.52]Hey, boss.
[01:12.76]I think you dropped something, man.
[01:16.54]That's half a G-note.
[01:18.04]So when do I move in?
[01:19.32]You don't.
[01:21.46]Oh, come on, chief, now, we had a deal.
[01:23.81]Renegotiation, the price is $700 now.
[01:27.84]That ain't right. I just gave you $500.
[01:30.64]What you gave me was a down payment.
[01:32.94]If you can't come up with the rest, well...
[01:34.62]No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait. Just hold on.
[01:37.44]One minute, all right?
[01:42.99]Oh, man, he's trying to shake us down.
[01:45.21]I'm gonna need that watch.
[01:46.65]Not an option.
[01:47.92]Look, would you rather be
[01:49.28]looking at a picture of your daughter
[01:51.06]or holding her in your arms once you get outside?
[02:16.92]Hey, look, man, Father time owed me a few bones.
[02:19.99]He gave me this in trade.
[02:21.92]That should be more than enough to cover it.
[02:24.49]Not bad.
[02:26.41]Your problem is somebody already gave me $700 for the cell,
[02:29.10]so, you're S.O.L.
[02:32.32]No! No! Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!
[02:33.59]Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Look.
[02:35.65]So you're just gonna take my money and walk?
[02:37.42]Yeah, well, write to your congressman.
[02:45.78]Oh, come on!
[02:58.50]Hey, boss.
[02:59.48]I think you dropped something, man.
[03:09.69]That's half a G-note.
[03:11.51]So when do I move in?
[03:20.51]You don't.
[03:32.19]Oh, come on, chief, now, we had a deal.
[03:35.35]Renegotiation, the price is $700 now.
[03:54.31]That ain't right. I just gave you $500.
[03:56.95]What you gave me was a down payment.
[03:59.64]If you can't come up with the rest, well...
[04:17.65]No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait. Just hold on.
[04:20.19]One minute, all right?
[04:33.46]Oh, man, he's trying to shake us down.
[04:36.17]I'm gonna need that watch.
[04:38.16]Not an option.
[04:54.79]Look, would you rather be
[04:56.26]looking at a picture of your daughter
[04:58.38]or holding her in your arms once you get outside?
[05:19.66]Hey, look, man, Father time owed me a few bones.
[05:23.55]He gave me this in trade.
[05:25.54]That should be more than enough to cover it.
[05:42.41]Not bad.
[05:43.64]Your problem is somebody already gave me $700 for the cell,
[05:48.54]so, you're S.O.L.
[06:06.37]No! No! Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!
[06:09.14]Wait a minute, wait a minute,
[06:10.61]wait a minute. Look.
[06:20.87]So you're just gonna take my money and walk?
[06:24.24]Yeah, well, write to your congressman.
[06:37.79]Oh, come on!
[06:58.60]drop  掉落,落下
[07:01.85]drop by  顺路拜访
[07:05.50]g-note  一千美元的钞票
[07:09.34]move in  搬进去
[07:12.13]move house  搬家
[07:15.07]come on  不要吧,不是吧
[07:24.56]chief  首领、领袖、长官
[07:29.01]have a deal
[07:37.24]renegotiation  重新谈判、重新商议
[07:41.94]re  重新、再次
[07:45.85]reaffirm  重申
[07:48.51]reunite  再结合,统一
[07:52.57]down payment  预付定金
[07:56.23]come up with  拿出
[07:58.68]the rest  剩余部分
[08:01.73]You'd better come up with all the money she needs,
[08:04.92]otherwise she might tell the police what you've done.
[08:16.72]hold on  等一会儿
[08:24.11]Please hold on for a minute. I will get him.
[08:31.00]shake somebody down  敲诈、勒索 / 彻底搜查
[08:41.95]option  选择,选项
[08:46.43]would rather do something  宁愿做某事
[08:50.41]would rather do A than do B
[08:55.91]I would rather have this done immediately
[08:58.83]than leave it until tomorrow.
[09:07.06]hold somebody in the arms
[09:15.21]hit somebody on the head
[09:19.13]hit somebody in the face
[09:32.76]once  一旦,一…就
[09:37.05]Once I get enough money,
[09:38.60]I would like to start my own business.
[09:46.26]Father Time  时光老人
[09:49.70]D. B. Cooper
[09:54.09]in trade  做交易
[09:56.93]trade  生意、交易、贸易
[10:03.93]more than enough
[10:10.32]cover  覆盖
[10:23.37]We have covered 100 miles since we set out.
[10:31.63]cell  牢房 / 细胞
