
Social community is a large part of the reason Rachael Lawton, a 38-yearold finance director based in Columbus, Ohio,


has been taking Anderson’s classes virtually for almost a year.


With two children and a full-time job, Lawton found that streaming made maintaining a regular fitness routine feasible.


She started sharing her workout experiences online to help other parents in similar situations.


“They need to know that there is another mom out there that gets everything done and makes time to work out,” she says.


“It is possible. ”


Kayla Itsines of the SWEAT app has more than 9 million followers on Instagram.


Like Peloton’s founders, she was one of the first to realize the potential of offering at-home workouts built around an online community.


Her wildly popular Bikini Body Guide program, which costs $19.99 per month, has catapulted Itsines to superstar status;


she sold out a stadium with her live boot-camp workout session in 2016 and has released books based on her program.


Knocked Up star Katherine Heigl praised the BBG program on Instagram for helping her get back into shape after giving birth in 2016.


“I found a fantastic app called #sweat that features several different #bbg programs you can choose from


and makes it incredibly easy to do anywhere, which for me means in my bedroom,” Heigl wrote.


THAT WORKING OUT at home is cheaper than signing up for a studio membership may be the most obvious benefit of streaming, besides convenience.


On average, the monthly fees for fitness studios range between $76.41 and $118.13, according to the IHRSA.


That’s why Foley doesn’t see his equipment as being unreasonably priced, especially if you’re splitting the costs with a spouse.


Financing the Tread for $150 per month, or $110 if you already own a bike, plus the $39 subscription fee for classes,


breaks down to either $74.50 or $94.50 per person when split between two people.


A single class at SoulCycle, for example, costs $28 to $40, depending on where you live.


If you attend more than a few classes a week, the costs quickly surpass the monthly expense of owning a Peloton bike.


But those savings may come at a different cost, according to Josh Leve, founder and CEO of the Association of Fitness Studios,


who says some aspects of studio classes simply can’t be replicated digitally.


“You lose that ability to really engage and speak with the (studio) owners and feel that sense of ‘Together we can accomplish anything,’” says Leve.


“For some people (streaming classes) works incredibly well, but for so many others who crave that attention, it’s not a market for them.”

