《千与千寻》精讲 03(在线收听

Here are your clothes. Hide them.

这是你的衣服 收好

I thought they'd been thrown away.You'll need them to get home.

我以为已经被丢掉了 你需要它们回家

My good-bye card's still here.


Chihiro. Chihiro.That's my name, isn't it?

千寻 千寻 是我的名字吗

That's how Yubaba controls you...by stealing your name.


So hold on to that card.Keep it hidden.


While you're here,you must call yourself Sen.


I can't believe I forgot my name.She almost took it from me.

我不敢相信我居然忘记自己的名字了 她几乎夺走了

If you completely forget it,you'll never find your way home.

一旦被夺走了名字 就无法回家了

I've tried everything to remember mine.


You can't remember your name?


No. But for some reason,I remember yours.

不过很不可思议 我偏偏记得起千寻

Here you go. Eat this.You must be hungry.

吃吧 你还没吃过饭吧

No.I put a spell on it so it'll give you back your strength.

不想吃 我施加了法术做的 吃了可以让你精神百倍

Just eat it.
