
Stand up, Melania! First Lady Melania Trump is always poised and stunningly dressed, an immigrant who grew up in Slovenia, a former Yugoslav Republic of two million, where her childhood friends Jel lives. She was very positive. She liked reading books. She also likes designing. She would make new clothes out of old ones. That love of clothes led to her first job as a model which eventually brought her to the United States. She's the first immigrant to be First Lady since Louisa, who was the wife of John Quincy Adams in the 19th century. Melania and Donald, 24 years a senior, met at a party and married in 2005. Barron Trump was born the next year, now the youngest presidential son in the White House since John Kennedy junior in 1963. She is an incredible mother. She loves our son Barron so much. He's enjoying the school and his sport is a great actually, and I just want to have him out of sports for now. Melania herself shies away from the public eye, except for occasional appearances on behalf of her causes. Her "Be Best" campaign promotes child welfare. In July, she distributed lunches and shelter for single mothers.

梅拉尼娅,请起立!梅拉尼娅·特朗普是美国第一夫人,她总是泰然自若,衣着光鲜。梅拉尼娅是个移民,在斯洛文尼亚长大。斯洛文尼亚有200万人口,属于前南斯拉夫,她儿时的朋友住在那里。她积极乐观,喜欢看书,也很喜欢设计,她会将旧衣服做成新衣服。对服装的热爱让她找到了第一份工作,是当模特,并最终来到美国。她是路易莎之后的第一位移民第一夫人,路易莎是19世纪约翰·昆西·亚当斯的妻子。梅拉尼娅和唐纳德在一个派对上相识,唐纳德大她24岁,两人于2005年结婚。次年,巴伦·特朗普出生。巴伦是1963年小约翰·肯尼迪之后白宫最小的总统之子。她是个了不起的母亲。她很爱我们的儿子巴伦。巴伦很爱学习,他的运动也很棒,我只是想让他暂时不参加体育运动。梅拉尼娅本人也回避公众视线,除了偶尔代表自己的事业露面。她的"Be Best"运动旨在促进儿童福利。7月,她为单身妈妈分发午餐,分配庇护所。

"Be Best" also discourages bullying on social media. Today's technology provides people with the digital shields to hide behind. She has not wording publicly on her husband's Tweets, which often savage opponents. When he marked teenage climate activist, Greta Thunbege, her office issued a statement saying, it is no secret that the President and First Lady often communicate differently as most married couples do. At times she herself has been a target. When President Trump won the election, the Slovenians built a statue in her honor dressed in her inauguration suit, but on July 4th this year, Independence Day in America, vandals set it on fire and it was removed. It is a daunting task. It's easier for First Ladies of States who have played a similar role in a state, but for someone who has never even been in government before, this is a tough job. Let us pray. Melania Trump is a Catholic, the first Catholic First Lady since Jacqueline Kennedy. She is America's only First Lady to speak five languages. This is my honor and great pleasure to stand here before you as the First Lady of the United States. 

"Be Best"运动还防止在社交媒体上的恃强凌弱行为。如今的科技为人们提供了数字盾牌,让他们能隐藏自己。她的丈夫经常在推文中乱骂对手,不过她并未公开表态支持丈夫的推文。当他攻击青少年气候活动家格里塔·森贝吉时,她的工作室发了一份声明表示,和大多数已婚夫妇一样,总统和第一夫人也常有分歧,这不是什么秘密。有时她自己也会成为攻击目标。当特朗普总统赢得大选时,斯洛文尼亚人为了纪念她而建了一座身着就职典礼服装的雕像,但是在今年的7月4日,也就是美国的独立日,破坏者放火烧毁了雕像,然后雕像被移走了。这是一项艰巨的任务。若第一夫人曾经在某个州中担任过类似的角色,那还算容易。但若第一夫人之前从未参过政,那就是一份艰苦的工作。让我们祈祷吧。梅拉尼娅·特朗普是天主教徒,她是自杰奎琳·肯尼迪之后的首位天主教徒第一夫人。她是美国唯一会讲五种语言的第一夫人。我以美国第一夫人的身份站在你们面前,我感到非常荣幸。

Carolyn Pursuity VOA news Washington

