《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第6集第19期:不会伤害任何人(在线收听

It's wood.They know.If anyone's gonna kill you, it's gonna be me.

是木头做的 他们已经知道了 如果有人要杀你 那只能是我

My ring.No! No! Vicki!I'm sorry.Oh, god.The watch.Find the watch.You're bleeding.

戒指给我 不要 不要 薇姬 对不起 天啊 怀表 找到怀表 你在流血

No, it's ok. It's ok. I'm ok.I couldn't stop her.I tried.What does that mean?She fed,And then I lost her.

没事 没事 我没事 我阻止不了她 我尽力了 什么意思 她吸了人血 后来我追丢了

Oh, my god.I'll take care of it. I'll find her,and I will show her that she can live like I do.

天哪 我会处理好这事的 我会找到她 然后告诉她 她也能像我一样生活

I will make sure that she does not hurt anybody,Elena. I promise you.

我会确保她不会伤害任何人 埃琳娜 我保证

What do I tell my brother and-- and Matt?


We'll come up with a story.You mean we'll come up with a lie.

我们编个故事 你是说我们编个谎话

I'm so sorry.I gave you today just like you asked.

我很抱歉 如你所愿 我今天给了你一天时间

And I understand that you would never do anything to hurt me.

我知道你绝对不会 做任何伤害我的事

And I promise I will keep your secret, but...I can't be with you, Stefan.

我发誓我会保守秘密 但是 我不能跟你在一起了 斯特凡

I'm sorry. I just can't.

I...对不起 我.. 我做不到
