
This is VOA news. Reporting by remote, I'm David Byrd.


Most of California might soon be under a coronavirus stay-at-home order. The AP's Ed Donahue has details. Most of California might soon be under a coronavirus stay-at-home order. The AP's Ed Donahue has details. A record number of people are in California hospitals. "Regions where the ICU capacity is falling below 15 percent, we are now mandating that we are implementing a stay-at-home order for three weeks." Newsom says four out of the five regions in California could reach that threshold soon. Hair saloons, bars and casinos would close. Retail stores would be at 20 percent capacity and only takeout at restaurants."There is light at the end of the tunnel. We are a few months away form truly seeing real progress with the vaccine." A Republican lawmaker accused Newsom of disrupting daily life without releasing details behind the decisions. I'm Ed Donahue.


The Trump administration says some Americans could be just days away from getting a coronavirus vaccine. But there are fears some people might not want it. AP's Sagar Meghani reports. "Health is on the way." Vice President Pence says vaccinations may start within 48 hours of federal regulators approving the drugs - what he calls historically fast progress "only in America." But Centers for Disease Control and Prevention chief Robert Redfield worries about a culture in America. "This growing concern over what I call vaccine hesitancy." Some people just don't trust them. "It's really sad as an infectious disease physician to see many people choose to leave vaccination on the shelf."Former Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama say they'd be willing to publicly take a coronavirus vaccine to boost confidence. Sagar Meghani, Washington.


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