NBC晚间新闻 威斯康星州商业大楼发生枪击案(在线收听

Screams of anguish as workers fled this Middleton Wisconsin office park. Unsure of where shots were coming from or who was being targeted. We had no clue on hearing the gunshots. It was scary. Marlene Beckham put her workplace on lockdown as first responders moved in. When they evacuated us, we came through the back stairwell which there was blood on the ground. Officers quickly zeroed in on WTS paradigm, a software company.

Authorities say the shooter was an employee wounding three colleagues before police shot and killed him. The suspect was heavily armed with a lot of extra ammunition and a lot of extra magazines. Tonight no motive but praise for officers whose four-minute response time is credited with saving lives.

工人们从米德尔顿威斯康辛州的办公园区逃离时发出痛苦的尖叫声。不知道子弹是从哪里来的,也不知道目标是谁。我们听不见枪声。这很可怕。当急救人员进入时,玛琳·贝克汉姆将她的工作场所关闭。当他们疏散我们时,我们穿过后楼梯井,那里的地上有血迹。官员们很快将注意力集中到软件公司WTS paradigm上。当局说,枪手是一名雇员,打伤了三名同事,然后警察开枪打死了他。嫌疑犯全副武装,携带了大量额外的弹药和弹药盒。今晚只表扬那些在四分钟内迅速反应拯救生命的警察。
