《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第8集第14期:消除痛苦(在线收听

Ok, I'm gonna need a little more foot movement.


Yeah,I'm not really-- Not really interested in making a fool out of myself.

好 我不想 不想在这儿出丑

Come on. You're not that bad.

少来了 你跳得没那么差

Do me a favor. Tell me if you see Damon with his camera phone.

帮个忙 如果看到达蒙拿着个拍照手机就告诉我

Right.Where are we going?No one is gonna see us here.

好吧 我们去哪儿 没人会看到我们在这里的

Did you hear something?No. It's cool.

你有没有听到什么声音 没有 没事儿的

There's no one coming down here.Nice!Stefan smiles.Alert the media.

没人会到这儿来的 漂亮 斯特凡笑了 真少见啊

You haven't given him a lot of reasons to be happy lately.


Oh, you're right. Poor Stefan.

没错 可怜的斯特凡

Persecuted throughout eternity by his depraved brother.


Does it get tiring being so righteous?

总是那么正义 不累吗

It flares up in the presence of psychopaths.

在神经病面前 总让人忍不住怒火万丈

Ouch. Well, consider this psychopath's feelings hurt.

哎 神经病好伤心啊

What did you do to my brother?I'm gonna need a less vague question.

你对我弟弟做了什么 你得问得具体点

When you did what you did to Jeremy's memory of Vicki,


What else did you do to him?


You asked me to take away his memory Of fangs and rowr and all the bad stuff.

你让我消除他的记忆 关于吸血鬼的一切可怕记忆

You wanted me to take away his suffering.But he's acting different.

你让我消除他的痛苦 但他有点不太一样

He seems ok with everything, and a little too ok.

他表现的很平静 有点太平静了

I mean, he's studying. He's not doing drugs. He's not drinking.

他在学习 他不吸毒 不酗酒

Are you sure you didn't do something else?


Elena, I took away his suffering

埃琳娜 我除去了他的痛苦
