《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第8集第16期:爱情战胜一切(在线收听

I didn't know that you guys could drink.


Oh, yeah. It helps curb the cravings,

对 酒对减轻血瘾有帮助

But makes for a lot of lushy vamps.


You know, I've never seen Stefan drunk.


He always seems so Uptight?Yeah. Yeah.

他看起来总是那么. 严肃吗 是 是

But not with you.


Well, that's the benefit of knowing someone for over 100 years.


You can just be yourself.


Yeah, he can't be himself with me.

是啊 他在我面前就不能无拘无束

Well, not yet.The first step was him telling you.

快了 他告诉你真实身份已经算迈出了一大步

The rest comes with time.You seem so sure.

剩下的需要时间 你看起来很有把握

The love of my life was human.


He went through what I imagine you're going through

他经历过的那些 我想你也正经历着

Denial, anger, et cetera.

否认 愤怒 等等

But at the end of the day,Love really did conquer all.

但是经过一路的风风雨雨 爱情最终战胜了一切

Are you gonna drink that?Oh. No.Go for it.I'm scared.

你那杯酒还要喝吗 不喝了 你请吧 我很害怕

But you're here...'Cause you're crazy about him.

可你来了 因为你是深爱着他的

I get it, ok?I mean, What's not to love?

我明白的 谁能不爱他呢

Listen. Take it from someone who's been around a long time.

听我说 听我这个老人的话吧

When it's real, you can't walk away.

当真爱出现时 千万不要错过

Hey, Lexi.It was really nice meeting you.

莱希 真的很高兴遇见你
