《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第8集第20期:禀性难移(在线收听

Please...Don't leave me alone.Stefan.Stefan.

拜托 别丢下我一个人 斯特凡 斯特凡

He killed her.He killed Zach.

他杀了她 他杀了扎克

He killed Tanner. He turned Vicki.

他杀了泰纳 还把薇姬变成吸血鬼

I have to kill him.No. You can't do that.

我得杀了他 不 你不能这么做

Why are you trying to save him, Elena?

埃琳娜 你为什么要帮他

He's never gonna change. Don't you see that?

他不会改变的 你不明白这点吗

He's never gonna change.d


I'm not trying to save him.


I'm trying to save you. You have no idea.

我是想帮你 你不知道

What this will do to you. Please, Stefan.

此事会对你产生怎样的影响 求你了 斯特凡

Everywhere that I go, pain and death follow.

无论我到哪儿 痛苦和死亡都如影随形

Damon follows me. No more.

达蒙总跟着我 我受够了

Stefan, please. Please, just--just talk to me.

拜托 拜托 和我说说话吧

Let me be here for you. Talk to me.No.

让我陪着你 跟我说说吧 不

You were right to stay away from me.

