《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第9集第2期:一言难尽(在线收听

Please help me.Who are you?

请帮帮我 你是谁

I'm Emily.You know that.We are family.Where am I?

艾米莉 你知道的 我们是一家人 我在哪里

This is where it started.And this is where it has to end.

一切就是从这里开始的 也必须在这里结束

No. This isn't real.Help me.What are you looking at?Turn around.

不 这不是真的 帮帮我 看什么看 转过去

Have you even talked to Bonnie?


No. I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move.

是的 我生她气了 她应该先道歉

Be the bigger person.Impossible in her presence.

大度点吧 她不行

Why are you so pissed at her, anyway?She's a thief. That's why.

你怎么对她生那么大的气 因为她是个小偷

I gave her my necklace, and she refuses to give it back.

我给她的项链 她不肯还我了

It's a matter of principle.All right. Well, I tried.I'm officially out of it.

这是原则问题 好吧 我也劝过你了 我不管这事了

Good. Your turn.Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?

很好 该说你的事了 斯特凡呢 你们说话了吗

He's avoiding me.Why?It's complicated.I'll see you later. Bye.

他躲着我 为什么 一言难尽 回见 再见
