欧美文化博览 超级城市纽约 (17)(在线收听

Fire, flood, bomb, whatever the threat to the subway system, Michael Lee can respond. He controls the latest weapon in the arsenal of the Office of Emergency Management--The Mobile Data Center. In a crisis, knowledge is power and Lee's team is all mowing. Inside, a computerized map of virtually every city's structure above and below ground, including the entire subway system in unparalleled detail. At a keystroke, they can punch up a station and pinpoint every elevator, emergency exit and fire hydrant. Every stairway in every subway has a unique number registered on a computer, allowing Lee's team to guide rescuers who smoke-filled chaos. Today the chaos is water and mud.


We have had a 20-inch watermain break. We have found that location and we're back always.


Steven Zimmerman is among the pontoon workers called up to close the break.


This happens a lot, especially in Manhattan. There's a lot of infrastructure in a small area, as one top one another.


The flooding is so bad, it threatens to undermine nearby buildings. Residents are forced to evacuate. It gets worse. Buried beneath the street, right beside the water main, a high voltage powerline.

