英国新闻听力 美国计划大幅削减核军备(在线收听

Officials in Washington say President Barack Obama is planning dramatic reductions in America's nuclear arsenal as part of a sweeping review aimed at reversing the spread of nuclear weapons. Mr. Obama is meeting his Defense Secretary Robert Gates shortly to discuss the new strategy which he outlined in Prague 11 months ago. Our diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus reports.

The review will be read closely to see what it might say about the potential circumstances in which nuclear weapons would be used, the role if any of tactical nuclear weapons and so on. Getting this document right matters. Along with the so far allusive treaty with Moscow, it will set the tone for the review of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT agreement this May. Mr. Obama wants to prevent the weakening NPT regime from unraveling. To do so, he needs to have powerful evidence that the US is taking its disarmament responsibilities seriously.

The Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says negotiations with the United States on cutting their nuclear arsenals are close to a deal. He said they had reached the stage of agreeing the nuances of the text, and he hoped the talks could be concluded soon. The negotiations on a replacement for the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty have dragged on for months. Mr. Medvedev's comments came in Paris where he held talks with President Nicolas Sarkozy.

More details are emerging of the extent of the destruction caused by Saturday's earthquake in Chile. A BBC correspondent, who has reached the town of Curico, south of Santiago, says 90% of the mud and wooden buildings there were destroyed, but he says food and water are being distributed and the town appears quiet. The town's mayor Hugo Rey Martinez said that one of the main problems was the hospital.

"The pillars of the main hospital have collapsed. The structure won't stay up much longer. What we believe and what the technical teams have confirmed is that we'll have to build a new hospital in the town, and that's gonna take several years."

A former Bosnian Muslim leader Ejup Ganic has been arrested in Britain for war crimes under an extradition warrant issued by Serbia. He was detained at London's Heathrow Airport and later appeared in court where he was remanded in custody. Bridget Kendall reports.

The Serbian government has up to 45 days to deliver full papers to the British judge who will then decide whether to go ahead and extradite him. It seems Serbia wants to try him and several other former high-ranking Bosnian officials for alleged war crimes committed back in 1992 at the start of the Bosnian war that accompanied Yugoslavia's break-up. He's accused of being involved in an attack on a Yugoslav army convoy in the city of Sarajevo. The extradition warrant alleges the killing of wounded soldiers.

The Vice President of Afghanistan Abdul Khalili has visited the town of Marjah in Helmand province days after it was declared free of Taliban influence. Marjah has been the main focus of Operation Moshtarak, the largest military operation carried out by NATO and its Afghan allies since 2001. The vice president was accompanied by the NATO Commander General Stanley McChrystal.

Human rights groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo have lodged a formal complaint against a senior army officer based in North Kivu province. The organizations accused troops under the command of Colonel Innocent Zimurinda of a series of abuses. Will Ross reports.

The 50 human rights groups and civil society organizations have written to the commander of the government forces in the North Kivu region, asking for Colonel Innocent Zimurinda to be suspended and investigated. It's not been possible to get a response from Colonel Zimurinda to this long list of allegations. The organizations, which include Human Rights Watch, said he had been in charge of a group of CNDP rebels that killed at least 150 civilians in North Kivu's Kiwanja town in late 2008.

Spain has demanded an explanation from Venezuela over allegations that Caracas has been collaborating with the Basque separatist group Eta and the Colombian rebel group the Farc in a plot to attack senior Colombian officials in Spain. A Spanish judge said the potential targets included the current Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and his predecessor. An ally of President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela's National Assembly denied that his country had collaborated with Eta or the Farc.

A former left-wing rebel in Uruguay Jose Mujica has been sworn in as the country's new president at a ceremony in Montevideo. Mr Mujica, who was elected in November, said his priorities would be to improve education, guarantee energy supplies and maintain security. He also expressed support for the regional economic bloc Mercosur.

华盛顿官员表示,美国总统奥巴马计划大幅削减核军备数量,作为旨在制止核扩散的大规模重审的一部分。奥巴马总统很快将会见国防部长罗伯特·盖茨,讨论11个月前在布拉格提出的新战略。我们的外交记者Jonathan Marcus报道。




周六袭击智利的地震造成的破坏程度出现了更详细的信息。BBC一名记者已经到达圣地亚哥南部的Curico。他表示,那里90%的泥制和木制房屋均已倒塌,但是已经向居民分发了食物和水,这里看上去比较平静。该市市长Hugo Rey Martinez表示,主要的问题之一就是医院。


按照塞尔维亚签发的引渡命令,一名前波斯尼亚穆斯林领袖Ejup Ganic因战争罪在英国被捕。他被拘留在伦敦希思罗机场,随后在被关押的地方出庭。Bridget Kendall报道。

连续45天来,塞尔维亚政府一直向英国法官发送文件,这名法官将决定是否引渡这名嫌疑人。似乎塞尔维亚希望对Ejup Ganic和其他几名波斯尼亚高级官员1992年波黑战争期间所犯的战争罪进行审判。波黑战争最终导致南斯拉夫解体。Ejup Ganic被控在萨拉热窝对南斯拉夫军方护卫队发动袭击。该引渡令指控他们杀害受伤士兵。

赫尔曼德省的Marjah镇宣布免除塔利班的影响之后几天,阿富汗副总统Abdul Khalili访问了此地。Marjah镇一直是“摩什塔拉克行动”(Operation Moshtarak)的主要焦点,这是北约和阿富汗盟军自2001年以来发动的最大的军事行动。Abdul Khalili由北约指挥官斯坦利·麦克里斯特尔(Stanley McChrystal)将军陪同。

刚果民主共和国人权组织对基伍湖北部一名高级军官提起正式诉讼。人权组织指控军队在Innocent Zimurinda上校的指挥下进行了一系列暴行。

50个人权组织和民间团体组织联合致信北基伍湖地区政府力量指挥官,要求对Innocent Zimurinda上校进行撤职并调查。对如此冗长的指控清单,Zimurinda上校不可能做出回应。包括人权观察在内的组织表示,Zimurinda负责的CNDP反叛分子2008年末在北基伍湖的Kiwanja杀害了至少150名平民。


在蒙特维多举行的仪式上,乌拉圭一名前左翼叛军何塞·穆希卡(Jose Mujica)就任新总统。穆希卡在11月份当选。他表示,他的工作重点将集中在改善教育状况,保证能源供应,保障国家安全方面。他还表达了对区域性经济组织南方共同市场的支持。
