英国新闻听力 美谴责以色列拟在东耶路撒冷建定居点(在线收听

The United States has condemned Israel's plan to allow another 1,600 homes for Jewish settlers to be built in occupied East Jerusalem. Israeli announcement came as the US Vice President Joe Biden was visiting Jerusalem. Here is our state department correspondent Kim Ghattas.

The US Vice President Joe Biden issued a statement from Jerusalem in which he condemned the Israeli government's decision to allow more housing units for Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem. He added it was precisely this kind of step that undermined the trust needed to make progress in the negotiations. It's very rare for the White House to actually condemn Israel for anything, but Israel's action must have been perceived as a snub in Washington. Just as Joe Biden was talking about a moment of opportunity for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, Israel was taking steps that would infuriate the Palestinians and possibly undermine that moment of opportunity.

Israel and Syria have both told a conference in Paris that they want to use nuclear power to generate electricity. Speaking to the BBC, the Israeli Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau said his country would be interested in regional cooperation on the issue as a way of promoting peace.

Police in the Irish Republic have arrested seven people over an alleged plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist who drew the Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog. James Rodgers reports.

Irish police say that the seven people, four men and three women, were detained on suspicion of conspiracy to murder. The suspects have not been named. Police say that those arrested range in age from their 20s to their 40s. The police say that they have been working closely with law enforcement agencies from Europe and the United States. Few details of the investigation have been made public, but the Irish national broadcaster RTE has reported that it relates to a suspected plot to kill Lars Vilks, a Swedish cartoonist who drew the Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog.

The governor of Nigeria's central Plateau state has accused the country's military commanders of ignoring warnings of unrest near the city of Jos in which hundreds of people were killed on Sunday. The head of the Christian Association of Nigeria Saidu Dogo accused the security forces of failing to stop the violence.

"We feel that the world just has to do something. If Nigerian government cannot do anything, the world just has to do something to stop this type of killing. That's such a desperate act or tipples of over four hours, and nobody did anything about it, neither the police nor the army, and that's why we become very very worried."

The Roman Catholic Church in the Netherlands has announced an independent inquiry to investigate the more than 200 allegations of child abuse by priests in Dutch church schools. Reacting to the claims of sexual abuse in Catholic schools in several European countries, the Vatican said focusing accusations only on the Catholic Church led to a skewed perspective.

Police in Cyprus have arrested three men over the theft of the body of the former President Tassos Papadopoulos. The corpse had been stolen from its grave three months ago. On Monday night after a telephone tip-off, it was found in another cemetery.

There are still conflicting reports as to whether a ransom demand was made for the return of the body.

The authorities in Bolivia have rescued 19 children and teenagers who were thought to have been kidnapped in Haiti by human trafficking gangs. A state prosecutor told the BBC the children were now being looked after by the Bolivian government while a search continued for at least eight others. Adam Mynott reports.

The 19 children, who are now being looked after in a safe house in Santa Cruz, were in a party of 88 Haitians who entered Bolivia from Peru on tourist visas in January. It's not clear when they left Haiti, but one report indicates they set off on their journey which took them through the Dominican Republic, Panama and Peru two days before the earthquake which devastated large parts of Haiti on January 12th. Prosecuting authorities in Bolivia suspect the children were being trafficked for sexual exploitation, and three people have been arrested, two Haitians and a Bolivian.

Officials in the Democratic Republic of Congo have launched a scheme to reduce the number of illegal weapons in the east of the country by offering 50 dollars for each one that is handed in. But a BBC correspondent in Kinshasa says this campaign may prove counter-productive as the money gunner owners receive for their weapons would allow them to buy two more on the black market.

The British rock band Pink Floyd has taken its record label to court in a dispute over how its music is sold over the Internet. Pink Floyd, who signed with EMI over 40 years ago, says the label should not be able to sell individual tracks online rather than whole albums. The band is also challenging how the label works out online royalties.

以色列计划允许在东耶路撒冷建筑1600套犹太人住宅,美国对此提出谴责。以色列在美国副总统乔·拜登访问耶路撒冷期间宣布该决定。我们的国务院记者Kim Ghattas报道。


以色列和叙利亚双双在巴黎举行的会议上表示,他们希望使用核能来发电。向BBC发表讲话时,以色列基础设施部长Uzi Landau表示,他们的国家有意在这个问题上加强区域合作,推进和平。

爱尔兰共和国警方逮捕了阴谋杀害一名瑞典漫画家的7名嫌疑人。这名漫画家将先知穆罕默德画上了狗的身体。James Rodgers报道。

爱尔兰警方表示,这四男三女因涉嫌阴谋谋杀而被拘留,但是没有透露嫌疑人的名字。警方表示,被捕者年龄从20多岁到40多岁不等。警方表示,他们正与欧洲和美国的执法部门密切合作。目前还没有公布关于调查的详细信息,但是爱尔兰国家广播电台RTE报道称,此案与阴谋杀害瑞典漫画家Lars Vilks有关。这名漫画家将先知穆罕默德画上了狗的身体。

尼日利亚中部高原州州长指控该国军事指挥官疏忽了乔斯城附近发生动乱的预警。在周日的暴力事件中,数百人遇难。尼日利亚基督徒协会负责人Saidu Dogo指控安全力量未能阻止暴力事件的发生。



塞浦路斯警方逮捕了盗窃已故前总统塔索斯·帕帕佐普洛斯(Tassos Papadopoulos) 遗体的三名男子。三个月前,帕帕佐普洛斯的遗体被从墓穴中盗走。周一晚上,经电话密报,在另一座墓地发现了尸体。关于归还遗体盗贼是否提出赎金要求,各方面的报道不一。

玻利维亚当局拯救了19名儿童和青少年。他们可能是在海地被人口拐卖团伙绑架。一名州检察官告诉BBC,这些儿童现在由玻利维亚政府照看,对其他至少8人的搜救工作正在继续进行。Adam Mynott报道。

这19名儿童目前正在Santa Cruz一座安全的房屋内接受照料。他们就是一月份持秘鲁旅游签证入境玻利维亚的88名海地人中的一批。他们何时离开海地并不清楚,但是一份报道表明,1月12日地震毁坏海地大部分地区两天之前,他们就已经踏上途经多米尼加共和国,巴拿马和秘鲁的旅程。玻利维亚检控方怀疑这些儿童被拐卖用来从事性交易。目前已有三人被捕,其中两名海地人,一名玻利维亚人。


英国摇滚乐队Pink Floyd因他们的音乐在互联网上的销售存在争议,将他们的唱片公司告上法。Pink Floyd40多年前与EMI签约。他们表示,该唱片公司不能在互联网上出售单曲,只能出售整张专辑。该乐队还指控该唱片公司的网络版权问题。
